
They’re just kind of...there. I don’t hate them, I don’t like them, I don’t care. Not my kind of music but there’s worse. I also don’t care about Chris Martin, but he seems harmless. I respect him and Gwyneth, as annoying and out of touch they may be, for co-parenting in such a respectful way, when so many Hollywood

Not to mention we lost the genius that was Gene Wilder last year, so I think it’s a great tribute!

I’m just gonna say it: I like Coldplay. I think Chris Martin seems like a really nice, sweet, nerdy guy AND I think he’s cute. I think themed parties are fun no matter how old you are. That’s it.

I’ve never gotten the Chris Martin/Coldplay vitriol. I mean, I don’t care about their music, but the hatred that it gets baffles me.

Shit like this is why I get pretty mad at people praising the “good pope”. Ain’t no such thing as a “good” pope. I’ve met plenty of good Catholics who were good people, but they’re good people despite it, not because of it. The church needs an overhaul for the 21st century. They only stopped doing stuff like this

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

Senator Blanche Devereaux 😂😂😂

This is a whopper of a mistake by Trump. The Feds had him (and his mob family) under investigation for some time, with respect to Russian money laundering. A year ago, they sought a FISA warrant to wiretap Trump Tower but the judge refused it for insufficient evidence.

As someone who kind of shares your sentiment, I think there’s a few things going on here. (1) Her first big song, All About that Bass, purported to be all about empowerment, but still seemed preoccupied with male validation (“boys like more booty to hold at night” or whatever and further featured a white girl claiming


Why do designers refuse to believe that two people can have the same (awful) idea? Jesus.

“Only those with no memory insist on their originality.” - Coco Chanel

(She may have added “The Reich will reign for a thousand years.” to the end of that quote.)

Ouch. Yeah, Google image search is not the end-all-be-all of proof of existence. YSL staff have access to volume upon volume of fashion clips and research, not to mention archives.

What did you google that under? I am curious.

And before that: the dude that invented the carrying case for a flute.

Oops, a commenter pointed out Chanel did it in 1990. I recuse myself, (but won’t resign...)

Bread is awesome.

A-ha! Yeah she should have researched more before these claims, I guess.

Its too bad Chanel did a similar bag in 1990