
Uh this is an MC Battle, feminism has nothing to do with it. This is legit and part of the actual hip hop culture. It’s a foundation. This isn’t for the mainstream or the faint of heart. And Jez long ago walked away from any association with feminism. I think you need to be a real hip hop head to enjoy this without

Haven’t you ever heard that if you get 20 feminists in a room you’ll get 20 different opinions on the same subject?

Feminists, like other, do fight. They can come hard for one another. They call one another out on their bullshit. Nothing new here.

Not saying that the two players identify as such, but... watching this

Because most socialist policies are deeply unpopular and would result in massive electoral losses?

I have always liked Leighton.

“You are a girl, you have to compete with the girls!”

“How dare you compete with the girls!”

I assume that it will depend on the country. You do know that “Arabia” isn’t a country, right? there’s a big difference between something like Saudi Arabia and morroco.

Her father is pretty fair, as are many people from the Levant. It gets into weird territory because I’ve straight up had people tell me that Gigi isn’t white even though she is obviously 100% white passing. As someone who also has Palestinian and European heritage and has never once considered myself a POC (and I’m

Gigi > Kendall

I hear this a lot, considering I’m half Mexican. It’s like, Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t need to display my culture to you alllll the time, brahs.

“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo”

“You like your culture when it suits you lmaooo.”

Yaassss Queen!

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

No comment on her as a person because she is evil and it’s seeping out of her pores but she is looking at her phone the same way my mother looks at her phone. Why can’t people learn how to hold a goddamn phone!?

Stay tuned for today’s episode of: “Can you imagine what the reaction would have been if Michelle Obama had done something like that?”

Or like when my uncle argues that they should “do it the right way like our relatives did.” And I try to tell him that even people doing it the right way can be in paperwork limbo for decades.

In other news:

I’m sure they’ll point out that it was planned under Obama’s watch. I’m also sure they’ll forget to mention that maybe there was a reason it wasn’t launched under Obama’s watch, possibly due to Intel reports not being skimmed through.

As a Florida residing person, I need to remind everyone that Marco Rubio is a smarmy little weasel who doesn’t show up for work, casually disregards his ethics, and should never had aspired to the presidency. While people were begging him to vote No on Devos, he was live-blogging the Superbowl. FUCK HIM

If you abuse, steal from or fuck children in your congregation under the banner of “god” and use religion and the church to abuse in any way, shape or form, you should be fucking killed.