
Complications of a cool breeze.. What a great phrase. This might be the title of the smooth jazz album I’ll release in another life...

If a younger adult in good health dies from bed bugs, call me. A 96 year old can die from complications of a cool breeze, may she rest in peace.

Bad caretakers seem the more likely cause of death than just bed bugs.

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

Maybe because they’re both 30-something year old women who are maybe a little too old to have a middle school style “beef” unless it’s a giant publicity stunt?

The Queen will always be Lil Kim. Period.

Yeah, I’m not sure how Streep comes off badly in the linked article, according to which the dress beef went like this: (1) Chanel publicized that Streep backed out of wearing their dress because someone else offered to pay her to wear their dress instead, (2) Streep said Chanel’s story wasn’t true, (3) Chanel said

Correction: Ms. Streep is not being petty here. She’s merely defending herself against Lagerfeld’s accusation of her being a grifter. Karl was the messy one here: had Streep been silent, everyone would have thought she was angling for a payoff. Nope, she had to set the record straight.

According to the GQ folks, it’s out as of two years ago. Like all other styles, i figured out late that I look good in it, so I’ll be rocking the cut for at least another five years.

This cut is phasing out, I think. I live in the Seattle area and I don’t see nearly as many men with it anymore. Since it takes so long for people here to start adopting trends in the first place, I imagine it basically no longer exists on he East Coast. Maybe I’m wrong, though.

Yep. My husband has had a version of this cut off and on for literally 20+ years, because he has extremely thick, straight hair, so if he wants it longish at all, he needs it shaved down on the sides/underside or else he looks like a Monchhichi. He’s very clearly not white, so maybe that helps, IDK.

I have this haircut. :(

Fuck that noise, Hitler already stole an entire mustache all by himself, I’m not letting them steal a haircut I’ve been rocking since college and women seem to genuinely like on me.

All these photos are all just haircuts, especially the second one you posted. Longer hair on the top and shorter on the sides is pretty much standard for most men. I however might raise eyebrows if they sported a Chaplinesque mustache.

Here are some better haircuts. (All done by my boyfriend!)

Honestly, I really dig that haircut on dudes. *hides under desk*

Every time I see Rihanna I’m reminded of how I need so many more tattoos.

One day I, too, hope to lead a lifestyle that lets me get away with hand tattoos.

One of my wife’s good friends is an IT engineer at a local military installation. Most of the civilian employees there were ardent Trumpkins. When news of the hiring freeze came in, it got very quiet there.

Fun fact! MANY enlisted military families are dependent on social programs like WIC, which the right is always trying to defund/destroy. It’s a pattern- they don’t want to pay them enough where they don’t need these types of programs, and they also don’t want to fund the programs. So military families are supposed to

This is actually incredibly common for smaller brands who find themselves with surprise hit (ETA: Kate bought this dress off the rack—Issa didn’t know about it until pics hit the news; this was not a commission). If you have a ton of people who want to place orders, yet you have no way to fill those orders because you