
Wanting no strings attached banging doesn’t mean you want to be a party to someone cheating on their wife.

There was already a million articles on Linda by FOX and Brietbart after the Women’s March “Women’s March Organized by Supporter of Sharia Law” *headdesk*

He probably chooses them for emotional insecurity and fear of abandonment, then starts out with heavy-duty love bombing. It’s extremely disorienting, engaging, and difficult to resist, and creates the illusion of a bond that’s then hard to break. The next step is gaslighting to keep her off balance.

So everyone I know that has been involved in an abusive relationship didn’t have any reason to suspect the guy was abusive until they were pretty well in. And I know leaving is complicated. But at this point I’m kind of shocked anyone dates Chris Brown. Or do some women really think they can change him?

All the NOPE! Fucking gross.

How fitting, this Chris Brown story appearing in Dirt Bag.

You know, I was wondering why everyone was piling on her on insta. Guess it was just Chris Brown fans being their delightful selves again.

Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

Plus I don’t know how old that photo is but Lilo hasn’t looked that fresh faced for a loooong time

Any leader who calls a free and independent press “the enemy of the people” is an existential threat to democracy.

I’ve read here and elsewhere that the pilot’s a simultaneous launch online and on OTA CBS, but the season’s only available by subscription.

It’s silly. And because I’m full up on streaming options, I’ll just wait ‘till they release it elsewhere. Because they will, when they find out how few want to pony up $6/mo for

I love love loved TGW, and would 100 percent watch this show - if I didn’t have to pay even more money to see it. I already pay for cable, Netflix, Amazon Viceo, and Hulu. I can’t, in good financial conscience, add another service. The fan page for The Good Fight is overrun with similar comments. This could be a real

They all kept leaving the firm, then rejoining, then leaving. Alicia ran for States Attorney but had to withdraw from the race because of politics. Eli professed his love for her, and she did not return it. Peter got indicted again for tainting an investigation, and was revealed he had an affair with one of his

I’m surprised to have to scroll down so far to see this. Or he potentially lost track of time and didn’t take the drug?

Of course, this all means nothing if you’re not willing to pony up the $5.99 a month for CBS All Access where the series will air exclusively. If you’re still not sold, the The Good Fight premieres Sunday, February 19 at 8 pm on CBS proper, with future episodes released on Sundays for subscribers.

There are sex clubs and bath houses where you could easily have sex with multiple people in a minimum amount of time.


UGH I want to crash my grocery cart into him.

How dare you bring Ivanka into this.

40% of Americans think he’s doing a great job.