
I’m in the portion of the U.S. scheduled to be conquered by China in the inevitable dissolution of the Union and my feelings are kind of like “Well, at least the dictator running our lives won’t be incompetent...”

I go to a Shia mosque and most of my friends are from the old country and Iran. None of them excuse Assad in the way that many on the far-left do.

Its amazing to watch a total collapse of your own government. Not only the endless scandal, conflicting stories and total distrust at top levels but the total refusal of some people to even acknowledge ANYTHING is wrong (Give him a chance!)

Dudes who are not medical professionals tell everyone the dangers of medicine.

Rinna genuinely seems just so excited to have any sort of relevance. She’s always excited to get invited to trips and parties and loves inserting herself into anything, so she will cause drama and have a big story line on the show. I kinda don’t mind because she’s pretty open about being willing to do anything for a

I would say this administration is turning Washington D.C into King’s Landing. Except that would be an insult since those folks were actually competent at what they did and at playing the Game Of Thrones. Ok well you did have Renley, so most of them then.

Word on the street is that Plein is paying high profile people to wear his clothes which explains why we’ve been seeing so much of it. Plein has also been on a few episodes of America’s Next Top Model this season so he’s been working this exposure angle for a bit.

Yep! A very vocal protest voter friend of mine has completely stopped posting anything political and now it’s all Phish quotes and peaceful namaste unicorns all over her page. Thanks, asshole.

From what I can see from my Bernie bro Facebook friends, it’s just a lot of “The DNC rigged the primary, if they hadn’t this wouldn’t have happened and Bernie would be President!”

Hey you unmotivated non-voters and anti-Hillary protest voters, still feeling so fucking self-righteous? If you think we’re gonna last long enough to have that Susan Sarandon advertised “revolution” at the ballot box, then have I got a bridge to Russia to sell to you!

I think it’s becoming more and more clear that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election in return for him lifting sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine (and whatever else they do in the future).

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.

Chaffetz has already said he isn’t having an investigation on the Trump-Russia links because “it’s resolved itself”. He’s a spineless partisan hack. Never expect anything more from the GOP.

Guys, I’m freaking the fuck out. Something is deeply, deeply wrong here. For the end purpose of what, I don’t know. I’m assuming now everyone is compromised and that includes comey.

“Two marriages dunzo by 32 is suggesting something.”

Alternatively, there isn’t a “right” man because monogamy isn’t for everyone.

There isn’t a right person for everybody. But hearing that asinine message all the time will make someone keep marrying because she thinks she’s finally found Him.

I think it suggests that everybody is different and has different experiences with marriage and with everything else.

But I was told she SLAYED

Ditto. I thought it was self-indulgent nonsense. But others probably liked it so what do I know