Don’t forget the minimal usage of music. It’s almost exclusively scare chords and diegetic utilization of song (like the jukebox in the diner or the concert).
Don’t forget the minimal usage of music. It’s almost exclusively scare chords and diegetic utilization of song (like the jukebox in the diner or the concert).
God, I loved the heavy metal old timers. So many great moments in that game.
Ha! I had a friend who came to the US from Russia not speaking a whole lot of English. Her first job here was at a lunch counter. Whenever she couldn’t understand what the customer asked for, she just gave them tuna. Almost no one ever complained, and she was never quite sure if it was because she was cute, they felt…
I always open my calls to tech support with “I’m practically computer illiterate, but I’m pretty good at following instructions... Can you talk me through this as if I’m your 90 year old grandma?” Seems like you guys have a lot of practice with this! Makes for a good experience, every time.
Fennel with pineapple and chicken salad?! I think I’d rather have sea cucumber.
I am 48, Christian and if you asked me about Christmas Crackers I would think you're talking about something edible. I've only seen those Crackers on TV
Maybe my eight-year-old niece is onto something. She likes to place her own order when we go out to eat, and if she’s ordering a burger she lists every ingredient she wants on it. Including the meat. :)
So I would have contributed to BCO before but today at work takes the cake in how utterly disgusted and pissed I am at my boss. I’ve had poor luck in the job market and recently became employed at shitty food court fast food joint. The place isn’t even a chain. We serve crappy burgers, nuggets, and our crown jewel of…
I had been working for about two years at Jimmy Johns. While it can be tedious at times, it was by far the easiest job I’ve ever had. They literally tell you exactly how to make the sandwiches in training and then you proceed to do that. A lot. I came in for my shift one day and the manager pulled me aside and asked…
One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.
One time I ordered some pasta without a particular sauce, and the restaurant’s chef came out and yelled at me for what an awful barbarian I was.
Note: I was nine years old at the time.
Omg. I’m now the only AMERICAN working at that sushi bar. The rest of the staff is Chinese. We got a new server, but she’s served before, so training her is much less “OH MY GOD I CAN HEAR MY TIPS DIMINISHING” and more “thank God she’s here because we’re slammed.”
What is a hand dipped shake though
While that idiot certainly deserves to be thrown into her very own “naked and afraid” episode, I make cakes with flour, eggs, butter, baking powder, cocoa and flavoring. It’s not that hard, they’re oil free, and they taste pretty good even if I say so myself. I never even heard of putting oil in cakes until I found…
Jamie Layton’s story reminds me of a famous story I heard when I was working at a regional theater festival.
I clicked over to the CDC report. They were studying the interpregnancy interval — the time between the end of one pregnancy and start of another. So the recommendation is to wait 18 months after birth to get pregnant again. So any siblings spaced less than 27ish months apart fall into the “problematic” too soon…
This isn’t about wearing short skirts or something, this is doctors giving medical advice about women allowing their bodies to recover.
I think it's highly likely that mothers over 30 tend to be associated with higher incomes, higher education levels, higher levels of family planning and fewer children. If you're a relatively affluent professional woman who plans to only have two children, you're more likely to deliberately plan having children two or…
Maybe it’s not that they allow more space, but that they take longer to get pregnant? Or, possibly, that since they are older they are (possibly) more highly educated and know it’s better to space?