Being smart is great, but being called a nerd all the time...not so much. I usually wouldn’t say anything, but my BS meter is full from trying to get the administration at my university to care about graduate women in STEM...
Being smart is great, but being called a nerd all the time...not so much. I usually wouldn’t say anything, but my BS meter is full from trying to get the administration at my university to care about graduate women in STEM...
At some point, every creature on this good earth, including you, will be faced with a final choice. Will you…
If the majority of the fibers examined are clothing materials, I wonder if there’s the possibility that this is somehow a skin permeability disorder... that is, microscopic fragments of cotton, nylon, or whatever else are able to wedge their way into the skin or pores and accumulate until they start triggering foreign…
Attention humans: your children are not possessed. Help is out there and it comes in the form of parenting classes and mental health resources, not starvation and exorcisms.
An endless or huge episode count anime is terrible to start watching anime with. Especially since you're getting introduced to pointless filler way too early on.
You want to know how commonplace this is? No, you probably don’t.
Yup, it’s dangerous to give THC to pets, especially at human doses. But the point here is that high-CBD products (with low or trace amounts of THC) have no apparent psychoactive effect on humans or dogs, so the confusion and hypersensitivity effects do not occur.
*loving strokes belly and praises IUD*
My mom is a travel agent, so when my sister wanted to book a cruise for her honeymoon, she got our mom to book it so they could get the best deal possible during spring break (money was tight as my sister was going back to school).
A walk-in 40... I'm crying. I'm crying for the server. I'm crying for the host and bussers who had to put that table together. How does a group of 40 people not have a single person in it that says MAYBE THIS IS A BAD IDEA AND MAYBE THIS IS RUDE.
I found this a while back while watching youtube, it's appropriate:
It's a well-known fact that Jamie Hyneman is like 200 years old. :P
You just reminded me that my sis pulled an amazing move like that at a wedding. She's a very respectable 5'9" barefoot, but we happened to be at the wedding of a friend who has three aunts who stand, 6'2", 6'3", and 6'4" without heels and they always wear heals. They look somewhat like the Hemingway women and are…
I think the bitch was the bride of the wedding they met at and it was just a recap of "where are they now". Otherwise I don't know why she wouldn't have just said "my parents' marriage dissolved because my mom was a bitch" or something like that.
This story doesn't even compare...
During my brother's second wedding, my niece's imperial douchebag of a boyfriend/drug supplier went into a drunken hissy fit over their relationship and tried to walk away in the parking lot with his shirt off and his pants down at his ankles. When my family confronted him he moaned about why, oh why do the families…
I remember my uncle got married back when I was like 7 or 8 and we had the reception at a park, it was in the summer, beautiful day and night, well I remember one of my uncles not the married one being cornered in a room where the food was being held by a group of 4 or 5 guys NOT dressed for a wedding or reception,…