
Could be, but they have some time to work that out. They didn't have time to adjust for his death in the last couple of episodes, but by next season I'm confident they'll figure out a new character to step in. It's not like there aren't thousands of silly investor-class doofuses in Silicon Valley to draw from. A Tom

Recommended viewing / DVR'ing: "The Writers' Room", Tonight, 11pm ET, Sundance Channel, featuring The Good Wife

They did mention that he'd been back from that island for a whole day and still hadn't restocked the toilet paper supply.

Two points:

No, it's really not.

After his interaction with the driverless car last week, I was kind of hoping Jared would call the hovering drone, 'Mr. Drone.' As in, 'Um, Mr. Drone? Please go away? Hello?'

Very good episode, but with one very false note. I can't imagine Diane not knowing right off the bat that either Louis or David Lee was the person talking bad about her to Jill Hennessy's character. I know they laid some of the groundwork for that tension with F-A, but I think her first instinct would be to distrust

Have you ever watched an episode where Raj was on screen? This is a case of a gay character that the writers are too chicken to follow thorough on, so they just use his sexuality as a source of jokes. Frankly, I don't know if the writers are more afraid of the more conservative CBS viewing audience or of the gay

And Sheldon's reply: "Okay, you're dead. So I'm going to let that slide."

As in Chumhum? :). (which, tbh, I always thought was called Chumhub)

Tell that to Gurbaksh Chahal.

Nice to see the Gawker reference. And the quick cuts of Finn seeing Will getting shot while he was questioning a witness were well done and (for me) unexpected. And Alicia's brother is always good for coaxing some intriguing conversations out of her, although I wonder if Zach's bong situation is over or just getting

Why? There is really no reason to suspect that Raj is straight, or that any woman is a feasible long-term partner for him.

Have you ever paid for a meal?

Not sure if you'll know what I'm referring to, but when I read your comment, I kept hearing 'hats hats hats' in the voice of Becky from HIMYM, the 'boats boats boats' girl.

Probably an amalgam of things, but the positioning of the murder victim is 100% TD. And Marty and Rust spent a lot of time in episode 3 talking about God and religion, so it didn't sound out of place to me.

I had forgotten about that earlier episode with Alicia trying to understand the show Grace was watching.

The 'mud' reference is really funny. McConnaughey was great in 'Mud' but not many people saw it so the "all he sees is mud" is great.

Yeah, she's always great. A nice dividend of shooting in NYC is having access to really good actors who rarely get cast on LA based shows.

It reads even better. Thanks for posting / transcribing.