
Don't know if this will make sense, but all I could think while Audrey was talking was how much she reminded me of Marisa Tomei. Not that she looked like her, but her line readings sounded just like how Tomei would've played those lines.

That's interesting. I noted in another comment somewhere down thread that it looked like John Heard wearing a Burt Bacharach haircut.

John Heard

His brother is the better actor, Brian Doyle Belushi.

I wondered if he said, "fuck yeah." But I assumed not.

Notice how Tammy touches Gordon on the shoulder as she relays Matthew Lillard's story of the hole in the fence. It's a nice, interesting gesture. Was she worried about standing in her heels on that dirt, or was she letting him know she was about to speak since his hearing is bad? It's also a very familiar thing

What does he say after Belushi tells Candie to get "another piece of pie for our friend"? His mouth is full of pie and he says something like "friend", but it's more than one syllable and I've watched it five times and can't figure out what he says.

She's hiding in the stairwell with Steven.

It looked like John Heard in a Burt Bacharach haircut.

I thought it looked a lot like him but not quite him. Someone down-thread thought it was Angelo Badalamenti, but I'm not so sure. I didn't see an ed credit for "pianist" or anything so it's hard to say.

I think you're right. I thought of John Heard bc of his death last week and bc there's def a resemblance.

The pianist looked like John Heard with a bad toupee. Which was a little eerie.

They can already see what's ahead of them. They can't see what's behind them.

She was very good in 'St. Vincent' and excellent in 'Birdman', 'While We're Young', '3 Generations', and 'Chuck'. She's excellent in the excellent 'Twin Peaks' and has great word of mouth for 'The Glass Castle'. She's never been and never will be a massive star, and her projects have always been hit and miss. But

You may be forgetting when Gordon takes the phone call on the plane and immediately says he does not appreciate that kind of language! But then he corrects himself, "Oh, a place. Buckhorn. Okay." That is a brilliant joke. There is a lot more comedy than dread in episode 9, and that doesn't bother me at all.

Haha, that's so dumb. The headline doesn't give anything away, other than the fact that the show has a narrative arc. If you didn't know that already, or if you're any less inclined to watch the last episode, that's tough. But it's not the headline's fault.

Well. When you have FLOTUS interrupting an interrogation of the suspect's mother, alone, you've already thrown any semblance of recognizable reality fly out the window like your average flying pig.

Except it's not beautifully acted, it's ham on cheese. And it's not badly photographed but this first episode actually looks cheap and fairly low-budget. The scene at the WH fence is laughable.

It just hasn't been a very good show since the ridiculous, completely unbelievable moment at the start of season 2 when Frank pushed Kate Mara in front of that Metro train.

> Hell, he got a job at a pretty massive tech corporation. That isn't easy to do. <