
Nope, but I did just win a bet that you would make a pointless comment about it that would be wrong even before you typed it. So, thanks!

It was a PROmotion… Gavin specifically said so.

Yeah, and I predict he will be arrested by being bum-rushed by some version of the FBI in a public or university library.

"Richard, how does this compare with a typical Board meeting?"

Didn't the lead guy on the Nucleus team sort of work out his eureka moment by making the jerk-off gestures from the jerk-off algorithm episode last season? I swear he was sort of talking to himself while the other guy's on the treadmill and he starts moving both hands back and forth while the idea is germinating right

If the writers and producers had any guts and brains, they'd realize that Sheldon and Penny should have been a couple. In the long run, that's what the show it about — the two of them actually being the best pairing of all the characters, followed by Amy and Leonard. Howard and Bernadette should be going through a

I don't understand. Diane was in Monica's corner. She tried very hard to get the other partners to hire her, even offering to trade in a few favors. Cary was a 'no', and David Lee a non-starter. Diane lost the fight.

If Ehrlich ends up being the murderer, I'm going to lose my damn shit.

It was.

I just came here to applaud the Freddy Rumsen reference.

I don't think yours is the unanimous view of the season so far. Probably not even a plurality view.

The point there was to show that Richard can't help but reveal too much any time he's trying to negotiate. Of course, he should just allude to knowing the terms of the deal, but not actually recite them. Instead, he gives away his position and it puts the whole opportunity at risk because the CEO of InterSite

If last week had been the finale, we never would've heard Meredith say, "I translated your speech into Pig Latin." So, the finale was 100% necessary.

In a show full of great lines and surprising feelings, I'm not sure many, if any, were ever better than Pete telling Peggy, "Someday, people are going to brag about working with you." And then admitting, "no ones ever said it to me."

I'm happy for Pete in the moment — I mean, come on, Alison Brie? But the fact that he's going to work for LearJet, when his dad died in a plane crash, is a very odd landing spot for that character. Does that mean Guy McKendrick married Lois and went to work for a lawnmower company?

I sort of assumed that would be Pete's and Trudy's re-wedding. But there are some reviewers who are convinced Don is not headed back East for anything. I find that hard to believe, but as much as I try, it seems to me that predicting the finale is like buying a lottery ticket — you think if you buy 20 tickets you're

1) I wonder if Matthew Weiner has read or been influenced at all by 'Gravity's Rainbow'. Don is sort of fading away, like Tyrone Slothrop (though I suspect the final episode will find him re-emerging)

When you say we never got to see how much he would contribute to McCann, that's simply not true. In the walk-and-talk with Duck, Pete lists off his accomplishments for McCann from just his first few weeks. He's the only member of the SC&P team who can list accomplishments like keeping Burger Chef and Avon with the

Watching it again, i'm less sure. it seems more like an amalgam of views, and not that one building. But that view out Don's windows is very familiar, although the view out Jim Hobart's window seems to include the Look Building, although there are a number of wedding cake buildings in those few blocks.

Haven't been able to scan every single comment, but I'm surprised there's not more discussion about the jet streams cutting across the spire of the Empire State Building. It was so beautiful.