
The 'True Detective' parody that Alicia watched from her mourning bed was brilliant.

May be, but the diagram specifically says "Reader", not "character". That's all I meant.

"The last two steps on Dan Harmon’s famous story circle are that a character returns to a familiar situation, having changed, thanks to the events of the story."

Chang, overhearing talk of buried treasure, scrawls 'tomato' on a piece of paper. Because, well.

Ted says it all the time. Don't forget his sleuthing that uncovered Lily's smoking- I mean, pregnancy test.

Friends didn't end with a wedding, though.

"…I used to be a *bit* of a detective." That was a beautiful reading of a funny line.

I cracked up when the mother said that as a kid she was 'something of a detective', and when Barney shouted, "Stinson Out!" Also, "Deuces are wild!"

Mean Streets
Taxi Driver
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
After Hours
The King of Comedy
Raging Bull
The Last Waltz
Boxcar Bertha

Thanks, I tried scanning the threads instead of asking, but missed that one. Anything from the Preservation Acts I or II is pretty obscure.

What was the song during the where-are-they-now segment? It sounded like an old Kinks song, but I couldn't hear it well enough over the narration to recognize it.

At the end, when Annie walked out of her room to talk to her brother, did she have a 'Charlie St. Cloud' poster on her BR wall?

Re: Marvin, to be fair, for most of the season Marvin was with Marshall. The question of who's babysitting on the morning of the wedding is still an open question, though.

Penny doesn't have the same-sized apartment. Hers is a 1BR without the workspace the guys have up behind the living room. Penny's is substantially smaller, and, for all we know, has a view of the A/C unit or something, while the guys seem to have a view of the city. Not arguing that she would have no problem paying

That's an interesting thought. I think you see a quick clip of the bar owner in the preview for episode 8, but it's hard to tell the context.

yeah, it looks like there's a role for him in those quick cuts. but hard to know what you're seeing in those sometimes.

I haven't been able to read all 1154 comments, but I've read most of them, and I didn't see anyone else speculate on Rust's boss, the bar owner, who lost his son. I don't mean speculate as if he's the Yellow King, but just the question of what role, if any, he's going to have in the resolution of the story. He's been

Yeah, agreed. In that place, in that moment, they got a bargain.

Did you even read your comment before you hit 'Post'? It makes no sense.

"A man's game charges a man's price."