
A lot of people with kids seem to think that the knowledge is downloaded to your brain as soon as you give birth. If you don't give birth you can't understand child rearing in any facet at all.

Um, I wasn't making judgements. It was just a question I posed. Especially since as a person who grew up in a fairly religious family and went to Catholic School for the first 1o years of life-I didn't see how a few minutes would radically change who I am. So chill the fuck out, ok? I've been taking foster parenting

I'm a parent, and I agree with gourmet goober 10000%. Just commented with the same question—are these people that insecure about their parenting abilities that they really think a short conversation with a stranger will send their kids running out to fuck the first person they see?

Yes, this is totally correct.

I really like it, and I generally feel pretty awesome when I do it. I'm kind of off the wagon right now (I'm currently drinking a cup from Philz.) FWIW, I went through one bag of Asprey's magic beans and I feel pretty strongly that they are in no way better than other decent quality beans. Sure, don't get Folgers, but

Not sure if you're trolling, but not all gay men have anal sex (shocker!) And many straight couples have anal sex (double shocker!)

Why thank you. I am charming.

This is the most obnoxious reply to anything.

Wow. Kim would look beautiful with a long inverted bob.

This is Elsa. I call her "Derpy-Doo". She's all legs and not graceful. She will be seven months old July 11th and is already 60lbs. The only "Siberian husky" about her is the head shape and the eyes. The rest is her momma. Atticus is my pure Sibe.

I bit my dog once when he got into the garbage. I did not chomp him hard, I nipped him, like another dog might do (or so I thought).

He's probably saying questionable and offensive things in doggy language which is why he's upsetting them! Look at how they walk away indignantly in minute 1:30. "Just don't engage this fool... Let's go."

Meowing at cats generally just gets ignored with a look of mild disdain. Unless you can accurately mimic a kitten. Some cats will lose their shit trying to find the kitten. My male cat never fails to be perturbed at not having a new little sibling. It's kind of funny and sad how upset he gets. I'm a horrible


You treat women with respect? Your very first comment here is an attack.

Did you copy and paste this from Elliot Rodger's manifesto? Because up until the sentence that begins "My jokes" it sounds exactly like him.

Oh now we get to the crux of it all the real victims of rape culture are nice guys like you. Fuck off.

To quote Zoe Washburne, you wanna leave this room.

Naw not really. If it's a joke it's got lazy construction and relies over-much on outrage rather than comedy.

Wow. Everyone reading this now is wishing you could spend about a week as a woman in a city.