
Yes, I linked to a piece about a private school, not a charter school.

I’m not one for generalize. But there’s no WAY IN HELL a Black person made this statement. Actually in my personal experience, most weaves (braided & sew-ins) are typically done by a friend who knows how to braid very well, while hanging out in the kitchen.

A Charter school isn’t more or less likely to do this than any other. Black girls get treated like this everywhere. Here’s an example just from yesterday.

I never understood the fact that there is a whole camp house full of dancers and Baby is the only one that can cover for Penny?! Come on!


“I don’t care if it’s a good guy or a bad guy—I will never allow that to happen again,” Perez told reporters.

You’re right. Goodbye.

I am an ally as my initial post tells you. I have learned a lot in the past few years about what is and isn’t helpful from an ally by listening to black people.

Ok, a few things:

But only relating to it because she is related to black people. It’s the same way that men caring about women’s issues because they have wives, mothers and daughters is only half helpful. Treating people poorly is wrong, whether you are personally related to someone of that group or not.

I know you’re a piece of shit troll but since someone decided to let your sorry ass out of the grays I’ll just put it this way.

Several layers of bullshit.

I think the point he’s trying to make is that she didn’t have to bring up anything about herself. It’s ok to be upset about something without it directly affecting you. It also implies that had this woman not had black grandchildren, she may not find it offensive.

no but her statement does.

I would prefer she consider it problematic on its face not becasue it impacts her. It doesn’t need to be “everybody’s problem” for it to be a problem.

no there are plenty of responses. If she had said, this makes me worried for my black grand children, it wouldn’t have seemed off, but she was talking about how this affects herself.

I know but it just really struck me as being like when men say, as a father of daughters this story about women bothers me.

“I have black grandchildren, OK, so it just doesn’t affect black people,” Teresa Roden-Delgado, another resident, said. “I am not black, but my grandchildren are and it affects everybody.”

Definitely part of it- I love any deftly delivered justice, but especially if it’s aimed at someone masquerading as particularly virtuous or whatever (ie republicans with “family platforms” getting outted for devious behavior).
Also like that Kandi was vindicated- she’s as boss as they come in this franchise.

women are always the gatekeepers because by giving them the power to enforce patriarchal norms at the expense of other women, they become easier to control because they have the illusion of agency.