I knew about tomatoes being fruits but the others? I’m shook. #science
I knew about tomatoes being fruits but the others? I’m shook. #science
I LOVE that show (original movie/series). Need something to watch. Gonna stream now. Thanks, friend!
Artisanal frozen water
You raise such a valid point about lack of assistance from Washington. Puerto Ricana will be moving to the mainland (NY, FL) given family ties. Also, what do we call people who are displaced within country since they technically are not refugees.
We’re responding to what was actually shown, not what was intended. The reality was absolutely racist. I can’t judge intent, given the harm the impact does.
Hey.... relax on Houston. What has it ever done to you?
Shouldn’t have laughed, but I laughed. Thought about volunteering to be a stand in for your friend, but, nah. LOLz!
Agree! She should be outraged because it’s outrageous. Full stop.
You’re better than me. I stopped after the season 2 opener bc I couldn’t follow the timelines and keep up with who was on good/bad terms. Kudos to you for hanging in there!
They GIF is brilliant! Is that what you demonstrated to the little one?
This is a big big problem, then. Take back NBs! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/11/15/the-crazy-reason-neo-nazis-have-declared-new-balance-the-official-shoes-of-white-people/
Valid point but I don’t think Hollywood is making films for the black gaze. Black people are less than 13% of the population. Even if every single black person in this country showed up for a film, it wouldn’t make a dent. White people have to be interested in stories not about themselves.
When people get all in my bidness, I now ask if they “wanna go half on a baby?” Meaning: if you ain’t putting in on this shit, STFU!
The sweaters! Why were they always so cold?! I do wish they’d been more mindful of the setting. But still, the best shoe ever!
Yes. Full stop.
Piping hott!
Historically for black people, namely black men, no? But let me go back and research and find an example of white people being called “boy” as a racial slur during Jim Crow or slavery