
Like “Walk of Fame” instead of “Walk of Shame”

I’m gonna go ahead and guess that he cares absolutely zero if you think his tattoos are attractive.


This man...this man. He is so important right now, and I commend him. His voice needs to be heard, especially in the Black community. Many people are falling for the “Planned Parenthood was created to kill Black babies” story put out by conservatives. I know educated, intelligent Black women who think Planned

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

The only thing that has helped me get through the first 100 days. Also, I’ve started drinking wine at dinner.

I toe-tally believe it.

I can think of several:

So, the Mississippi of India?

What are the odds this is a hoax? 60 percent? 70? 95?

Imma leave this here so you can come back and read it next week: You look FABULOUS.

Best of luck to you, friendo. Going fully natural was the best decision of my life.

Thank you for this article. I am at present going through this right now. I am gonna bite the bullet and take my braids down next week and go 100% natural (minus hair color). I am finding it rather nerve-wracking. I haven’t been natural since I was a kid, and I’ve grown up with people being fascinated about black

More MO posts. I don’t care if it’s about what she had for dinner. The nostalgia is real :(

All right, well. This is still a free country. No one is stopping you from glorying us with your objectively correct opinion. By all means, share.

I think that Coke commercial worked much better because it didn’t over-reach. All it said was, Americans come from all over the world, but they all love America...and Coke.

Find yourself a good shoe repair place and you can make a pair of Cole Haans you get on discount last for 20 years. Just replace the soles every once in a while and you’re golden, they’ll do the tips too.

Real talk - has anyone ever found anything good at Payless? I have tried many times but like.....if you hate them the minute they’re on your feet, for both comfort and aesthetic reasons, there’s no reason to bring that shit home.

I don’t live in the States so I don’t necessarily get the same news coverage as Americans, but I remember being active on some online message boards at the time of this case and being kind of shocked at how obsessed some women my age were with this case. Don’t get me wrong - a kid died and that’s fucking horrible. But

Even IF you believe that she was not responsible for her daughter’s death (and that’s a big if), she failed to report her daughter missing for an extended period of time and then proceeded to drag that innocent Latino woman through the mud by claiming she was the babysitter and that she had Caylee, etc. Even presuming