
But in all fairness a hate crime isn’t limited to racial discrimination...could involve race, religion, sexual orientation, trump-worship, etc

Ha! He’s finally in the position to do every racist, reactionary thing he’s ever dreamed of and you think the cotton plantation come to life named Jeff Sessions will ever willingly resign?

I’ve always thought that people (wypipo) just didn’t SEE how white supremacy is simply a tacit agreement of all involved to systemically subjugate black people in a form of societal transmutation: brutalizing us actually makes you whiter.

I can say from a rather short experience that solitary confinement is torture in every way but name.

I was picked up on an outstanding warrant, having just left a rehab facility for a variety of issues (drug and alcohol abuse, major depressive disorder, etc.), and was taken to my local jail. I was in an already

Some precious twit once said my dislike of Schumer was just a reflection of my self-hatred and internalized misogynist. Whatever. I still don’t like her humor.

I think the important thing to keep sight of here is that actions speak louder than words. It may be awe-inspiring that Trump can read a fucking teleprompter and sound halfway literate, but no matter what he says, no matter how nice (or at least inoffensive) it sounds, it’s his actions that matter, and one month into

I did not know about these. I think you’re probably right. It’s a shame you won’t get a commission

Reportedly back in 2008, the Obamas considered leaving the kids in Chicago to finish the year with Michelle’s mother keeping an eye on them.

It’s likely there were two printed by accident or, like a lazy asshole, the person holding Emma’s (Emma??) envelope put it back on the prop table.

At 8 years old I didn’t have a clue about sex or sexual/gender agenda and neither was there a reason for me to. If an 8 year old DOES have an opinion then they are being exposed to these matters far too early by people around them, and yes that could be by other children being exposed too early and it’s then a matter

This article debunks a lot of your assumptions, namely that children aren’t sophisticated enough to understand their own gender and that there are “more than enough cases about people regretting messing with their genders.” You haven’t done your homework, and yet you’re ready to enact sweeping policy, which are two

actually the evidence based and accepted treatment for trans kids are GnRH blockers to delay puberty so that kids and their families have time to make a decision. outcomes (suicide, physical changes) are better for people who transition younger than those who transition older. puberty blockers allow people to make

I cannot wait for the reunion when Andy asks Porsha what’s wrong with being gay or bisexual.

100% with Kandi on this. She is very open about sex and her sex life and, as she noted, “even owns a toy company”. She has no shame about it b/c she knows there is nothing to be ashamed about. What purpose would lying about specific details do for her? She would literally be the first person to say, yeah, “Shamea and

1. Without video evidence, these two boys would get criminal records that could socially and economically cripple them for life. They still might.

Lately I’ve felt so inundated by all the things that are broken (up to and including Grammy genre categories) that I can’t even muster the will or optimism to fix them—I just want to buy a cheap parcel of land, build a tiny house and figure out some kind of subsistence living for the next 10 years (at least).

Karen Huger spent a disproportionate amount of last season telling viewers how to make and drink a cup of tea, so I can only hope that this year she’ll focus on teaching us how to properly cut off sandwich crusts. I’m on the edge of my seat!

There is no reason to assume he’s any less anti-Semitic, misogynistic, violent, or abusive than he was then- so nope, I’m not over it.

“So you’re saying somebody gets pulled over and acts normally, and a cop for no reason at all starts beating the piss out of them, or pulls out a gun and shoots them in the head? Do you have any video evidence of this happening”

This is well and good, but I’m still in a no-win situation. I’m black. My son is half and of course looks it. Cops scare the SH!T out of me and I’m a law abiding citizen with nothing to hide, didn’t have alcohol till I was 21, never smoked, etc. It feels nearly impossible to teach him “cops aren’t bad and should be