
Migrant children aren’t real people, they are imaginary. Treating them bad only helps the mind see how made up all of this stuff is,” is really what I’m hoping to hear in a few more weeks.

Can I get invited to her going away party too? 

LoL didn’t Trump make fun of her dad’s captivity? I love this, I hope he comes out and says maybe Meghan should try getting captured, it would help her diet. 

Poor baby ;( 

A lot, I mean a lot, of women voted for Trump though....whatsupwithdat?

Razer might of jumped the gun there....would hate to have to report something to their HR.

They must not have to pay for either JVG or Jackasson. 


I saw this guy on HowardTV once, thought his routine was pretending to be a tough guy...I didn’t know he actually though he was.

AOC is my president. :D

2020 Election....40% more women vote for Trump “but, but, but, the rape...”

Are her kids vaccinated? 

Brian should lead the charge! $130MM drone...imagine how many books, pencils, and updated classrooms $130MM could do. Its now a heaping scrape of metal in the desert somewhere, well spent!

I wish they let you sit directly behind the catcher, no netting. Do more of that MLB! 

The problem is, you don’t let a team back in the game when you have your foot on their throat. Don’t blame the VAR, that was ONE goal, what about the other two? Did VAR make the crossbar lower for the second kick? Salt for you, and salt for you as well.

That girl eat good. 

Who’d win in a fight, Vanka vs Huck? 

If they handled school shootings with the same urgency as school vaping, imagine what could get done.

James Field also wants his Harvard admin rejection reviewed.

Yo this woman just became my hero, AOC im sorry, but you needa take notes from this champion. Hit’em up Norma, the people are behind you!