
You seem like you want to be mad. Not that you are, but you are really trying to get yourself upset. Just reading all of your comments and post related to this topic. 

This just in....real estate mogul and guy who knows what’s really real, Jared Kushner, flying back to New York from Middle East on bullet-jet for unspecified reasons.

He should serve a life sentence, that’ll teach you to help others.

I hate traveling on a plane, sometimes I want to scream and cry myself, so I can feel for the little ones being forced to do the same! 

Why was there a kid at E3? Isn’t this an adults only event? 

“We need pencils!”

What’s a “woman”? 

He wanted her to lead the World Bank? Why not Ronald McDonald? By far the most accredited burger man in the bizz. 

They should put that billboard back up Trump front of Trump Towers and Mara-la-shithole. Just to show off how much of a patriot he is.

In this day and age, why run away? cameras from all devices are on you, recording your face, what’s there to hide? if you done did something that is punishable, and did it willingly, then stand up for your actions. 

This was done at RU? Wow. They should do a study on how many of their bathroom facilities are littered with the herpes virus. 

MLB should be liable here. Screw their warnings, a small child has absolutely no ability to be on the look out, and should be tasked too, for 90+MPH fastballs. STOP BEING CHEAP AND PUT UP THE NETS! 

Imagine if any of the major news broadcasts used that line “We think it’s important for people to make their own informed choice about what to believe.” Holy crap, the world would be on fire.  

When Disney steps into the ring, you know shit just got serious. 

He committed a crime, but not the type of crime that could be considered a crime crime, ya know? 

I think the word “incel”, and the usage of it to describe even individuals who consider themselves as such, is a form of bullying we need to acknowledge. Yeah people call themselves degrading nicknames all the time, but does that solve any problems? Maybe we shouldn’t help push people to the outside and instead invite

Does Mitch have an upper lip? 

It hurts...cause its the truth. Speak! 

Without pay? That doesn’t seem right. Oh wait..he’s not a cop. 

I saw it live, and have it recorded. Will never forget sitting with my grandpa asking him why the man fell, and he just looking in complete horror trying to make up some excuse. Man that was surreal.