Hammer meet Nail meet Head.
Hammer meet Nail meet Head.
Isn’t that property damage tho!? He was lucky there were no startled police men who mistaken their flash lights for their revolver!
He’s hoping to put his wife on it instead.
does he not get arrested?
That must of been an awkward follow up meeting with Useless 1 and Useless 2.
I thought I was reading a joke...wtf is going on in this country?
Opening Statement:
I heard he was considering pardoning Chelsea Manning.
Guys...Nancy isn’t use to actually doing work FOR the people. Seriously, this is asking too much for her to do HER JOB. TOO MUCH!
But what does the rallies do...?
Please tell me this is true...PLEASE.
I think better games will win the next console war. Or any war.
They should add W to the LGBT acronym.
Man if those texts said “we killed him LoLs” it wouldn’t of changed a damn thing. This system is broken.
Damn that’s a great picture of her, I’d follow her blindly.
Lol if only Manning was any other of the Republicans laughing at the Dem’s subpoenas.
Truly a fucking shame, but the guy stood up for himself when those around him failed to do so. Good for him, take a stand for what and who you are!
Did this guy’s dad kill JFK? Why isn’t Trump looking into this, he said it!
This guy looks like he gets an abortion performed, once a week.
That guy Rosenberg is really bad for a lot of reasons.