
So when Mo kissed Brit and Chris on was cool? That was acceptable? Gimmie a break, and not like the kit-kat kind, more like the Jill Scott style.

This is sad and pathetic. 

What happened to “did Donald Trump pay his taxes?” 

Is it cool to finally give credit to all of the Jersey locations these “beautiful” pictures of such an amazing city is taken place? Ya know the shit holes like Jersey City Harborside or Hoboken Train Station or Boulevard East...ya know mention how much of a shit stain they are before glorifying NYC. K, thanks. 

The one damn year I had finally enough time to attend E3....f’ing Sony. 

Be Best Mel. 

Why do the richest people dress like they have no sense of fashion? Did she just come from a Battle Royal in her leather-Hunger Games style vest? 

This is wrong...really really wrong. Who can actually vote on this? This can’t be legal right? Moses as a founding father? So the 10 commandments....are the bill of fights? 

For anyone who wanted to watch this tournament on youtube later on, just know that you should not look at Kotaku titles. Thanks for that! Can you also write the results of every major fighting/game tournament in the title of every article? I really don’t care to watch the full exhibition, just read the title. Again,

I’ve played 3 days worth of Blackout....after saying I’d spend no time at all. This is what Call of Duty should be, this is the next step for the series. Since the sound update, I have been addicted to the BR like crack. 

What is going on with rich dudes committing these kind of actions? DUDE YOU ARE THE CEO DIRECTOR W/E OF PIXAR, PIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAR!

LoL, when the elite and stars and all the other fuckers get scared of the common folk, you know SHIT. IS. GETTING. REAL. 

Those hot mics will do ya! And crack! 

It’s sad to say, but as universal as 1+1 is...this kinda goes along the same lines. be involved in two mass shootings...good Lord. God bless all of these people. 

Kids in cages? That doesn’t happen here. 

LMAO! This guy just said that!? Man...someone get the fucking lawn mower, need to the snakes out the grass already! 

No Crash Bandicoot is really what hurts me. 

The fact the WH uses any material from InfoWars is horrifying. I feel so bad every single time I hear that man Alex Jones names and think of those kids in Sandy Hook. He literally made piles of money off of people’s stupidity and hurt these families even further. What an evil, evil person to say things about something

Final Fantasy has become so convoluted since the days of PSone....ah simplicity.