Tree of Might is my favorite DBZ movie...they aren’t punching a tree btw....did you actually watch the film?
Tree of Might is my favorite DBZ movie...they aren’t punching a tree btw....did you actually watch the film?
If you like racist meme’s, you should be expelled from office, sweet and simple. You can’t, and should not be a member of a political institution whose whole substance is based on equality. There is no excuse for that.
It’s just business, not personal.
If you put shoe laces around two’d be more stylish than these POSs.
This ain’t Hollywood? Are you serious Pence? There is nothing more fake or phony than anyone in DC right now. Hollywood would be a step up.
This guy...has way too much time on his hands. He should go back to India and tell them how happy everyone looks...being dirt poor.
Aikman and the rest of the lot need to STFU...these guys have life-altering injuries by the time they are done with their ‘class act’ type of playing. Troy...when the CTE kicks in, will that cell-phone celebration be the reason why? I hope not...cause Thomas is going to regret that for a long, long time, damn cell…
This woman lost her child in hurricane floods...and shes being charged? WHAT!? My brain is hemorrhaging.
What a wonderful time to be alive.
OMG THIS IS THE BEST! “TONKA!?” Hahaha you are the man.
Why hasn’t Don Jr. said something nasty about this latest incident?
Twitter Police.
In 10 years...little man...will be in the news again....
I really, really, really, really, really, really (really can’t say really enough here) hope, the guy he didn’t shoot....did not just watch him walk up to another person, and kill them.
I think the real problem is...people getting paid money to fucking state their opinion as fact.....that’s the problem.
Hahaha he said thanks for the words and attack lmao
Metal Gear, FF7, & Tekken 3? Childhood <3
“I lost everything when putting CS above everything and today I lost CS too,” he said. “The only thing I never lost is my family and my girlfriend and I hope to never cheat on them.”
LoL, IRS don’t give a shit Mike. Good luck!
This guy...hmm.