
Wow Ron, you are my f’ing hero man! Kicking alien ass and rapist a like, the Pearl Man! (PS....Please do another Alien movie!)

The most useful article in humankind, nay- the universe.

Why even give this woman the time and place to discuss this situation further? It will only get more twisted and twisted to the point where the little girl is apologizing for being a capitalist. 

I think this is what Catwoman was talking about when she mentioned the “storm” is coming to Bruce Wayne, how the rich could eat so well and leave so little for everyone else.

If Miller and Tomi Lahren had a baby...would it be Hilter Jr? 

Does this guy still have a job? 

Truly a good moment, this is what humans are meant to do, HELP EACH OTHER. 

This is a good man, he is one of the few that understand the issue at heart, and is making an attempt to represent anyone affected by this behavior. Truly a  champion of the people. 

Who gives a fuck about Johnny No Depp? Kids are being stuffed in cages, let this moron drink himself off a cliff, we could use the space. 

Not even out of the park, out of the friggen planet with this one. 10000000000000000000000000000000% correct. 

This guy is in his 20s...but looks like he could be my grandfather’s father....

Why does anyone feel bad for her? She does a job, continues to do a job, that tasks her with defending lies. Why does anyone feel bad for her again? She willingly goes up on that podium, challenges reporters, places herself in the fire, and then gets rained down by a abundance of support cause she had a tough

Is this really his phone number? Anyone get a response back? Whats the voicemail say? I don’t want to call, hearing the stories about this guy’s character seems like it’d spell big trouble for anyone trying to patronize him if he were to come after some of the callers.

Not to run away with what you are asking for, but I’ve always wanted to be a writer, I have a few pieces I put together that are both entertaining, and keeps the mind thinking. I’ll definitely get them sent over after I leave my prison shift aka work.

I don’t like shaving my jewels...chicks are cool with putting a boiling pot near their gina? Good luck...emergency responders.

I think the speaker should volunteer herself for slavery.

Man...racism is the new path to riches.

So....are there like five different kinds of Heaven? Black Heaven, White Heaven, Brown Heaven, Racist Heaven, and Delusional Heaven?

Why are reporters allowed to ask questions if they don’t get answered? They should hand out note cards with pre-thought questions to ask, maybe then we’ll get some answers?

Hahahaha “we’ll be in prison then dad”