
How is this person able to run/hold/publicly speak in a government office?

Waffle House: Home of the Famous Cop Calling Policy.

Isn’t using a racial slur, with intent to cause distress or terrorize, a hate crime? Shouldn’t this “officer” be charged?

The way this party denies health coverage and medical access to women in general makes it seem like they weren’t born from traditional means aka...coming out of a vagina. Maybe they were beamed down from space?

For the son of a millionaire, can’t this guy look a little more attractive?

Cack& is his favorite website, they have parodies of lawyer’s defending world leaders while getting plugged by the justice system.

You think they still ate the pie after they detained the delivery guy? I hope they did after all that trouble.

This is so heartbreaking, the amount of explanation that is needed but not necessary for people to look at the real issues here. She nailed it on the friggen head, how can you be concerned with a word while the actual message, the issue at hand, is so far greater? How is it possible that we can lose sight of such

When someone includes the words “He also has a great relationship with his ex-WIVES (plural)“ something isn’t normal about said person, let alone decent.

My fear (and yes, it may sound dumb) but I’ve stopped from engaging in any kind of intimacy or sexual activity while I am training for a kick boxing event in six months (currently in month 3). I’ve realized that while rigorously getting in shape, I’ve been approached more often about the possibility of intercourse or

Why are unarmed individuals, lets just forget about race for a second, but UNARMED suspects being approached with guns? I don’t care how many MFers they need, or how much weight lifting they require of these guys, if they have an unarmed suspect, there is no reason to pull a gun out. Have 17 guys from the department

Nailed it.

It’s stories like this show how divided we are as a nation.

The problem is, people, have blurred what racism and a mean spirited joke is. Since this friggen Roseanne thing, no news outlet defending her can seem to come to the conclusion that a joke about a person’s race, is racist.

This guy is a troll, get out of here.

Why aren’t these guys arrested for this type of behavior? Why is there always an “investigation” that must be commenced? With body cam, dash cam, helicopter cameras all over a crime scene, what really is being investigated? Most of these cases are open and shut just by playing the damn video back, do they need to

Guys who purposefully shave their heads are generally, not good “hombres”.

Some people get so upset that they can’t upset the person they are fighting, they resort to very disgraceful tactics; mind you it’s never graceful to be in a fight via racism, but its never a redeeming quality to be the one spewing the hate speech.

How is this guy not registered on a Global Sexual Offenders List?

Is it me...or did none of the people defending Rosie read what she actually wrote? I hope all of these defenders don’t have people of ethnic backgrounds in their families, cause there would be a great deal of explaining to be had when that front door cracks open after work.