
It is especially fucked when you compare how much work Gillian has done since X-Files ended compared to what David has done. Woman has worked her ass off and deserves to be paid accordingly, for both experience and keeping her name out in front of the public. David was in Californiacation, and that’s about it.

In college, during a particularly sad dry spell I made some joke about having to put twigs and leaves over my vagina in the hopes that I could trick someone into falling in. A few years later, I see Margaret Cho doing the exact same joke. Clearly, Cho didn’t steal the joke from me. I’m not making a definite judgment

Dial. It. Back. Lady.

“at least Cosby knocked his victims out b4 he raped them.”

It’s hard when among exes, one parent gets this, and one doesn’t. You might be able to score cheap, manipulative points with young kids, but it will bite you in the ass in the long run, when the child realizes who took the high road.

Her comment has put me in the Ritchie camp.

From the article:

Calling your kids dad a cunt in a very public forum is a great way to make sure your kid can't stand you.

I usually try to avoid arguing with people, but sometimes I just can't resist.

In what way?


I’m fine with (cow) leather, because that is removed after death from an animal we do indeed eat. Using the skin of a cow that is already being slaughtered anyway makes sense. But I’ve never heard of anyone eating minks, foxes, beavers, or chinchillas. Those animals are being killed solely so we can stick their skins

A lot of the fur industry doesn’t use the whole animal, in fact, many producers skin animals alive. On top of that enormous cruelty and unnecessary animal death, it is totally wasteful.

Still wearing REAL fur in this day and age...with all this access to information...just wow.

Most of the things I own didn’t involve an animal being killed though. And since I eat meat, do I then lose the right to object to any kind of infliction of suffering on animals? Can only vegans be opposed to Sea World or trophy hunting or people who abuse their animals? Where’s the line?

Nah. Not everyone can afford to be vegan in a healthy way and food is necessary for survival. Nobody needs a luxury fur. The only people I don’t judge at all for wearing fur are the people who hunt for themselves and use the pelts for warmth and shelter.

Switching to fake fur would require her to think of something other than herself. She isn’t capable of that.

Interesting fact:

I like her and her brand of showladyship. She does not fuck around with an audience’s expectations. Wish she’d switch to fake fur though. It’s not like you can tell the difference.