
I too am eager to see a woman president and I resent the fact that other groups seem to be getting their firsts before us, call me small minded for that but it seems like women always come last. Blah blah blah. I will vote for HRC over Trump solely due to abortion rights. On pretty much everything else she stands for,

All of that may or may not be true. HRCs background is pretty specific, peculiar, and unsavory, but they will all surely be up against this extremely misogynistic culture. I will still only vote for one of them if they are the candidate whose positions are most similar to my own. Hillary and I do not share a lot of

Ok well if you read the post I was responding to you’ll see your response was not germane to the discussion.

This is me you’re quoting in your reply to me. But whatever:

You’re probably right about some Sanders supporters, and I think it’s also true that there are plenty of Clinton supporters who would vote for her regardless of where she stands on the issues. People are weird, and not great. I vote issues, and I always have. Looking forward to electing any president with whom I

Hopefully not too long. And it’s worth mentioning that women make up a larger part of the population than black people.

Even if I were to concede that point, which I disagree with, I would still not vote for Hillary Clinton in this primary. Given the issues we face, we have a better candidate available to us. It’s that simple. Everyone is free to disagree but even if she were the last woman to ever run that would still be a bad reason

Good for you. She is very far from being the only woman in the large number of people qualified to be president and the suggestion that she is is obviously sexist. That was my point.

How does your response address this discussion? Did you read the post I’m responding to?

No, just what they implied. Even given your caveats there are many many women who would make great candidates for president, some you’ve heard of and some you haven’t, just like male candidates.

Did I not see it? Yeah I saw it. Personally, I don’t consider Clinton “viable” but as always viability is a highly subjective term which can only be determined in hindsight and is debatable even then.

Do you seriously think Hillary Clinton is the only woman qualified to be president of the US?

I’m sure he’s in pain but he’s still a piece of shit and every single one of his actions in this story from start to finish underscores that point.

Absolutely. A nurse shift change once saved my gfs life.

I also said a few other things which contradict most of what you’ve said to me and that indicate a shifting situation - you’ve conveniently ignored those in order to come after me. You haven’t earned my trust and respect so I’ll keep any further details which would clear things up to myself.

He doesn’t work off the books, and his kid is with us most days. His mother lost custody a while ago and blocked my bf from taking it, long story like every other aspect of this situation. I could keep trying to illuminate things for you but I won’t. You don’t have enough information to draw the conclusions you’ve

You’re ridiculous

Yeah you sound like an expert in everything.

Yeah defense is that natural response to something that is offensive.

You sure sound like you’re “just curious”. I guess I could tell you why I make extremely personal decisions but instead I’ll just reassure you that he does take care of the one he already had and is in fact paying child support, just as he has done since he was 17 years old. He had a period of time where he fell