Seriously. I’m a broke mom and I don’t have fucking TIME to go to the gym. Luckily eating once a day keeps me nice and trim (who cares).
Seriously. I’m a broke mom and I don’t have fucking TIME to go to the gym. Luckily eating once a day keeps me nice and trim (who cares).
You’re so fucking smart that you missed my whole point.
I’m with you here, her voice needs to be heard in this story. I would like to say though, that my bf is going through this with his ex - trying to pay down back child support - and he is a very involved parent with all 3 of his children (he has 2 with me) and his son spends most of his time at our place. I think the…
Wow that is interesting. For whatever it’s worth I’ve always found him horrible and felt his relationship with Yoko was probably the most heartfelt thing about him. Huge asshole.
I don’t know. He basically left her for his secretary and then they got back together after that, and she called it his “lost weekend”. Who knows what would have happened since he died but they genuinely loved each other and were able to overcome the kind of shit that ends most relationships.
I am still diapering my kids. I have an alright job now and am stretched pretty thin, so I do half cloth half disposable at the moment. You know when I do cloth even more? When my paycheck runs out. And buying diapers is something I routinely put off due to the cost. I moved to a building with laundry in the basement…
Not a troll, but I am a low income mother who, while on public assistance, used cloth diapers and I can tell you that it was a huge blessing. There are of course several caveats - I bought a stock of the cheapest type of cloth diapers over the course of my pregnancy and it did require me to put out money I could have…
For real. A friend of mine had a seizure and drove his truck off a bridge. I had a little one at work when my second was about 6 mo old. I could totally have been driving, or just holding her.
I mean was this particular measure motivated by racism? It seeks to enforce existing criminal records relating to the drug trade. And criminal records relating to the drug trade are by and large racially motivated at many levels. So, basically, this measure didn’t have to be racially motivated, that work was done…
Well this was my comment:
You’re aware that communities of color are over-policed right?
I’m aware of the ins and outs of these sorts of rules, I’m even aware of the conception of a person being seen simply as not “law-abiding” regardless of how the particular broken law relates to the job in question - even after applying some thought to this it’s impossible to deny the systemic racism at work here.
I grew up as a female in an all female household and I’m dying to know, what are these glamorous aspects you allude to?
Seriously. It’s pretty transparent in this instance.
Looks like you read the article, but not my comment.
sadly very true
Actually he doesn’t have a record. But he can’t outrun his skin.
There goes my dream of moving to a legal state so my bf can get into this industry. I had a feeling it would be like this though. He’s a poc from washington heights and in his neighborhood low level weed dealing is something almost every kid does at least for a little while, which is to say there are a lot of people…
I think he should now be required to produce just one case that fits this example. Because... wut? If someone calls 911, says “I was raped” and when cops show up to interview them they say “oops, no I wasn’t, k, bye!” (??) why would a rape kit be collected in this instance? He’s saying that an investigation goes all…
This is the real point, and why it is so offensive that they feel the need to rename it.