
Heard this once and it’s so true: “you are your baby’s best toy.”

Right? I always think about that actually, and I spend a lot of time thinking about what life was like before bottles and before formula. Women have really been prisoners of their bodies for a long time.

Yes and take up less space. Not to mention nice and cheap.

Yeah I’m still cloth diapering my 2.5 and 11 mo olds. The trifolds never fail. When you say prefold I’m picturing these triangle shaped things that velcro at the sides? They leak, but may not be what you are referring to. I get way more leaks whenever I use disposable, SO cloth for life.

Yes they really do, but then they’d only have you on the hook for a single purchase. Keurig gets your money for as long as you own the machine, don’t they. Evil.

That’s the difference then, I always had the boob for backup. Also, I use powder, which was lightweight and all I have to be able to get was water which is good since I use soy-based formula that is hard to find.

Sorry to take it out on you it’s just so frustrating to me that people even use keurigs it’s so goddamn lazy and selfish. My sister and her boyfriend live together and THEY EACH HAVE THEIR OWN. WTF

The gerbers are trifolds and honestly they are the best. I love those all in ones but they do occasionally leak - the trifolds never do and you can double them up. the prefolds suck in my opinion. I had pee just straight run down their legs depending on what position they were in.

For sure. Both my kids loved to stay on the boob, and I always let them so after a while I felt desperate. I only ever supplemented with formula, and as they got older, used it exclusively if we were out of the house. I carried powder and a bottle and I just never found any aspect of it hard at all. It’s so weird to

People already use enough keurig cups to circle the earth. Please no especially not for a nephew. If you can’t make formula with powder and water, you are essentially useless.

Your kid will sleep on the floor and play with wooden spoons. Don’t sweat it.

Both my babies did not give a shit about sophie.

Oh my god how fucking stupid. Fyi you can get packs of gerber cloth diapers for like $12 for 6 at target.

Ok, I make the formula before I go to bed. I also never ever warmed a bottle in my life so that my babies wouldn’t get used to it, so they never did, and they always took/take their night time bottles. Am I doing something terribly wrong? I’ve never had any trouble with bottle feeding at all. Breastfeeding, while

I make formula with powder it’s easy. What’s the problem?

Nursing is a lot of work. They eat all day and often fall asleep on you. It can feel like prison.

It’s not selfish or stupid. It’s pretty much how it’s done. For me, I had a kid by accident that was wanted, and then I was stricter but still not perfect, and almost immediately had a second unplanned pregnancy. I realized then that if I didn’t use bc, I’d be one of those women with 20 kids, and I got serious and got

Yeah honestly most people I know are ambivalent about it. And that’s because you can never prepare for a baby. There is never a right time. There are definite WRONG times, but there really is no right time.

Completely agreed. Medical necessity is not an ambivalent situation. So glad to hear you are doing better!

It was a leap of faith, for you and for everyone, regardless of what’s in the bank. Congratulations on your family!