
Also you can just, like, feel it oozing off James Franco. Through the screen. Definite dick-pic-to-minors vibe. 

She looks incredibly good for a woman of any age, she’s highly successful in her field and admired by women everywhere, she’s hilarious, she’s beloved... what am I missing here? Too old for you? Not pretty enough?

Yep. Every day. Into the void.

I really can’t take it. It’s wearing on me.


He left us in our darkest hour :(

Bobby’s gone?!?!? WHAT?!? I missed it completely. If today is any indication, Dirt Bag is going to suck hard from now on. (The only non-trash person in it is LeBron.) Dammit. >:(

I thought it was a funny twist on how women are often accused of getting pregnant to “catch” a guy with money.

LOL who hurt you

lol, get off the internet dad!

“..women’s interests are so vapid and shallow that they’re like adult children, they have child-like minds that enjoy ridiculous things that don’t matter.”

Shut up.

Oh, it was all Anthony’s idea remember.

I think I it may be more complex than that, but yeah it’s the way she’s reacted to all this, a victim can victimize, what she did was wrong plain and simple. She’s acting like she’s being crucified for no reason. When AB first died and people were blaming her it really pissed me off but after seeing her true colors...

Both Asia and Rose need to step the hell down. I don’t want either of them at the forefront of this movement. 

I wish Asia and Rose would leave the public arena for their fight. It’s not doing the #MeToo movement any favors and gives fodder to the haters.


Asia should have got a tattoo that said “don’t sleep with under age boys” to remind her not to sleep with underage boys.

It makes me sad that Anthony Bourdain got involved with someone who reeks of hot garbage as much as Asia Argento. He deserved better.

Asia Argento and Rose McGowan - and Rain Dove - all deserve each other. They all strike me as unstable and insufferable attention whores and some of the worst representatives for #metoo. I wish they’d all go away and take their trashy drama with them.