all my friends are problematic (aka do the truffle-shuffle)

Bobbi Kristina made me sad even before the accident/OD/whatever. I feel like the poor kid never had a chance.

Thank you. It’s cute how the 24 year olds writing this bullshit think they actually know anything.

This is Jezebel, where cultural appropriation is defined in absolutely arbitrary and ridiculous term devoid of any grounding in facts or common sense or history or context. It’s cultural appropriation as defined by millennial Bernie supporters having a tantrum.

No, you’re right. And you’re using common sense, something the writer who wrote this has shown herself incapable of, time and time again.

Not legally and in terms of this lawsuit - that’s all on Rolling Stone.

Agreed. I mean, “Jackie” is clearly a lying nutjob but precisely because she’s a lying nutjob and a college student, the entirety of the blame for this shit-show lies with Rolling Stone.


“Should have known better” isn’t the same as saying that this isn’t a tragedy or that he deserved it, I’m not going to apologize because you can’t make that distinction. So yes, this is a tragedy. But I also can’t completely ignore that in the US, if someone running away from the police starts pulling a gun from their

Enough that a staff writer felt the need to write an entire article about a joke that she didn’t get, or intentionally misinterpreted? Because everyone involved seems to understand it was a joke, except the Jez staff writer. Hmmm how weird, that never happens around here! Could it be baiting for clicks? ;)

LOL do you seriously believe I said the kid deserved to die or are you just self-righteously grandstanding to look good to all the armchair kinjactivists and their adorably earnest black and white view (no pun intended) of the real world. Do you even read the shit you write? I said a 13 year-old is a child but not a

Oh it’s fucked up but if the school is punishing PoC abusers more harshly than white abusers that’s definitely fucked up too. And no that’s leant mean that no one should get punished at all it just means that if he can prove this then the school’s racism might result in this guy winning his case and having his

It’s a fucked up argument but it’s even more fucked up if he can provide evidence to back up his claims.

Oh I didn’t mean to imply that the cases were in any way related just that it was kind of ironic that both rapists and rape victims feel the school isn’t handling this correctly.

I know all of that. And I also said in a response to another commenter that I don’t agree with minors ever being tried as adults, because they’re not.

I’m a little worried about your reading comprehension skills. Didn’t you see the part that said “if the police’s account is true”? I even put the ‘if’ in italics, for emphasis.

Maybe. Either way, he’s dead and either way nothing will convince me that he shouldn’t have known better.

No one is rounding up to adulthood. And like I said in my previous responses to you, that’s why I disagree with minors ever being tried as adults. And yes, he’s a ‘child’ but I think it’s important to make distinctions between small children, pre-teens, teens, late teens, because the differences in judgement and

Never said they were. But how does that change anything in this situation?

Either way, why would you pull a replica gun from your waist when you’re running away from cops?

It’s not, I’m just being a snarky bitch. Do you have a problem with that?