all my friends are problematic (aka do the truffle-shuffle)

Exactly. I’m sick of her attention whoring and pity party. You don’t want to have your rights taken away? Don’t leak documents and get sent to jail. You don’t want to be subject to the military’s ridiculous, reactionary and arbitrary rules? Don’t join the fucking military in the first place.

Rich Eurotrash.

You are ridiculous.

Stop doing it. Get YOUR dry cleaning, book YOUR ticket (to wherever you want to go, doesn’t have to involve your in laws), get a cat sitter. He’ll get used to doing these things when you stop doing them for him.

I’m extremely skeptical of all lawsuits blaming someone else for a person’s suicide. Agree with you re: how she came to have those drugs but disagree that he is in any way responsible for an adult woman’s choice to die.

I’m getting tired of Jezebel’s new faux outrage habit.

Yeah I was reading this and wondering what the he’ll t was about this question that was supposed to be so offensive? Then I remembered where I am, so of course the writers are going to stir shit when there is nothing remotely tone deaf or insulting about the question. Wambach wasn’t offended either and even thanked

I could see it being Downey, Jr. Sure he WAS a druggie bad boy but these days he’s totally a family man. Someone I know met him and says the first thing that comes to mind when you speak to him in person is that he reads as totally gay. And no, gay and paedophile aren’t the same thing, which the Radar article doesn’t

But Charlie sheen isn’t exactly known as a family man.

Travolta crossed my mind too uut honestly I think he’s just a closeted gay scientologist/clam, not a paedophile. I don’t think it’s tom either.

It shouldn’t be amended to add the news of her father’s death at the end like an afterthought. It should be amended to include an acknowledgement by the author that she was full of shit and was speculating based on nothing other than her need to stir shit.

No of course that’s not the reason. The reason HAS to be that she’s being bitchy toward some other female celebrity. DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND THATS HOW FEMINISM WORKS?

It is. But I’m also that annoying person who is always mentally adding up years in TV shows and finding mistakes and discrepancies in characters’ purported ages vs other dates and stuff. And it’s so annoying to me when they get it wrong.

Of course they know what they’re writing. That’s why I love reading it, and that’s what makes it so funny when Jez writers blog about it and are actually genuinely pissed that the people in these things aren’t aware of their privilege.

“I needed cream for my itchy labia from all that premarital fucking I was doing at 16. Oh, and a prescription for slut pills. And the free lollipops.”

Oh look, the same denial and bullshit as back when the story broke and people first started saying the story didn’t add up. Don’t hide behind Rolling Stone to deny the fact that for weeks, there were people around here who couldn’t fathom the notion that not only did RS not do its due diligence, but that it was

Well, pay attention then. Or go back to the articles on Jez from around the time this story came out, and read the comments.

Oh my god. That is both awesome and horrifying. I also don’t know if I want to hug him or slap some sense into him. Seems like he was/is clearly mentally unwell but also really nice but you were right to get away from there. It makes sense he ended up with another hoarder because there’s no way a sane person could

Are you kidding? I want to hear the rest of this story, how you met this man, how old you were, and how long the romance lasted. I’m guessing there were at least 3 dead bodies hidden in the basement, possibly poured in concrete. At least 2 were younger siblings he got rid of out of jealousy because he didn’t want to

I agree. But that’s not what I was referring to. Of course you should believe every victim initially and investigate, but if the story doesn’t add up it doesn’t add up, and you shouldn’t just have to remain silent about that because rape culture. Were you around here when the story broke? Even after more information