Miles Long

Either outcome seems likely.

This one is because most wear their sword on the left side. You can’t kick that leg over easily from the right side of a horse. This became the norm long after sword wearing had ceased.

The theme music to the original People’s Court is from Debbie Does Dallas.

“Making good tv is just pandering to the masses! I’m an ARTIST dammit!”

I get that there’s money and jobs tied into the movie deal, but it’s pretty clear that the whole ‘multiverse’ thing allows some other guy to play some other version of The Flash. It worked for Dr. Who. Dump Ezra and move on.

After being on the run for two days, EGYPXN was fatally shot in North Carolina on March 30 after confronting the police in a standoff, according to ABC 8 news.

“Who’s on third?”

The Guild rejected her application citing “Too tall” and “Too sour.”

If Robert Hur doesn’t have a brother named Ben, his parents are lame.

Twitter is more like the wall of a truck stop restroom that everybody can read and contribute their own content, for good or ill.

If you’re going to make a list of sexy horror villains, you have to leave out the vampires or the list would be nothing but vampires. True Blood, anything by Anne Rice, even those Twilight vamps were pretty hot.

I’m going to use this article to strongly recommend Black Lightning. It is one of the best superhero shows out there. Black Lightning is a principal of a high school in a Black neighborhood who uses his powers to help the community. The show is well written and hits on some heavy themes. Watch it. It’s on Netflix.

December 23, 1964. This is some hair splitting. AFAIC, he could very well be the first Gen Xer. 

Old man here. If being so called “masculine” makes you a bad person, maybe we need a more honest and realistic definition of what that word means. That “men hunt, women take care of the cave” shit is a million years stale. Traditional masculinity has left a lot of us emotionally crippled, violent, and immature. Don’t

I know it sounds cliché to say someone was “born to play this role.” But Viola Davis was Born. To. Play. This. Role. I am so here for this!

“Well I don’t think we should lynch them.” is his idea of “moderate.”

There was never an option to save anyone. Without the cow honey, the butterflies were going to die one way or another. Even in human form, they had to live off of that stuff.