Miles Long

I just finished the whole series, and in my head, the name of the show is “Nine Perfect Strangers, One Horrible Accent.”

So someone who rose to fame airing out her heartbreak and personal tragedy is upset that a bio film is airing out too much of her heartbreak and personal tragedy. Seems…I dunno, a little…ironic. Don’t ya think?

“I didn’t kill that boy, the bullet did.”

Are we skipping over the part where Mrs. True flat out said that she was from the future or is that common knowledge?

Quoting Dr. Erskine to young Steve - “...The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great; bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows... compassion.”

The post is too far from the action. This is from a local Louisiana news source:

Instead of proposing laws that get obstructed by republicans, they should now pass these laws and watch the republicans try to justify taking them away.

White supremacy will never go away for 2 reasons.

“I wish he was the one with the gun and killed me. I never wanted to take an innocent person’s life, and I am so sorry. This is not about hate; it’s about being scared,”

MBJ is steady killin it. Also much respect and congrats to Kara Brown writing a Time cover story!

This article could use more pics.


Because the bigger you get, the wider you spread.

There is a town in Texas called, not joking, White Settlement,

Amma easily manipulated and controlled her two friends. (In the book it was three and even one of them was a potential victim because the others felt she would squeal)

In the book, Camille publishes the story and it becomes such a hit that she gets multiple book deal offers.

Saw this today and it was everything I had hoped for. I was in love with the very idea of this movie and was not disappointed with its execution. Do not be fooled into thinking this is “just a comic book movie.” This is an epic. It will give you life.

If I may paraphrase: “Whiteness is not normal, it’s just common.”

The 6" version is the first wave. A larger one with ATX size innards is coming soon according to the site.

Since we’re talking about Ruben, here is another example of white fuckery: Ruben WINS American Idol, but who does Rolling Stone put on the cover of issue 926? Clay Fucking Aiken. Ruben gets a cover three issues later...I see you wypipo, I see you.