
Gordon Lightfoot is a damn fine songwriter.

Also Paulie is too stupid to understand a reference to a sinking ship probably isn’t going to go over well with Grump.

Paul Ryan’s too stupid to get the irony that he quoted a Canadian singer-songwriter who, by virtue of his citizenship, has universal health care.

Nothing like using the devastation of Katrina as a prop in your video. As long as you look cool, right?

I don’t care if they want to ‘get paid’ or not. Fuck Beyonce. She has a long track record of stealing from smaller artists. She has the platform and money to give credit and write a check, yet she doesn’t.

Now playing

I will always use any excuse to post this.

Trump doesn’t give a shit about what nuns think. In his mind they’re all just broads who were too ugly to find a husband.

But he makes such wonderful cookies!

This. The right-wing Americans were fucking hypocrites about this. Charlie would have died LONG AGO had he been born in America. And no one would have cared. Anyone can check GoFundMe right now - it’s filled with American children seeking money for hospital costs.

The couple said they had wanted to give Charlie a real chance of getting better and that a “whole lot of time has been wasted.”

I will be happy, as a woman, to empty a double barrel shotgun in your fat ass, you misogynist piece of shit.

three “female senators from the Northeast,”

Nope. Police violence against cuffed suspects, even when they’re assholes, is an abomination. Fuck off with that.


I think Trump sees himself as the CEO of America. He has no fucking clue how government works.

People who treat nature as their own personal canvas infuriate me.

So this is essentially the actual job Will would have gotten in real life?

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

I can only imagine there’s a good story there. Like maybe Jason let Fat Paul and the Blonde Bitch in the bar one night because it was slow and the owner wasn’t around. Then the owner showed up to show off his bar to some Ginger he was hoping to bang and got pissed off that Paul and the Blonde were there. He was like