
This season of Game of Thrones really isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

Omg! This is me!!! Thanks so much for spelling my name correctly.

the way the tail deflates just makes me cry every time. this is my favorite as well.

I’ll just leave this here.

Yes, this terrible pun is completely representative of “us,” and unhip government functionaries only exist in America.

Wow, you really are a soccer fan.

Right there with you girl:

It’s worth pointing out that this is basically a success story. A paper was published after peer review determined it to be credible (not correct - that is not the purpose of peer review), others attempted to replicate the described “experiment” and could not obtain similar results, papers will have been published

RE: the Navy story. The military’s brass really does not like their service members pulling shit like that.

Hahaha my cat used to lick up ants. He cried once because he couldn't reach a moth.

12.a.i: Mercy - pillbugs, spiders, moths, crickets

12.a. Knows when to kill and when to show mercy

My first date with my husband the restaurant was really crowded when we arrived, and I suggested we might want to go somewhere else. He said “It’s okay, I made reservations.” SPLOOSH.

I’ve been going grey since 14. Now 24 & mostly grey/white haired.

Most people seem to dig it. I just thank God I got my mum’s grey hair trait rather than the baldness running in my dad’s side of the family

Friends, please wear your seatbelts. Even in taxis.

Yes, and now Gerald Fitzpatrick can marry Patrick Fitzgerald.

irish people abroad are eligible to vote if they’ve been out of the country less than 18 months. you are not eligible to vote if you think you might like to go to ireland on holiday sometime. hope this clears things up.

I have lived outside of the US since 2010, yet I am still registered to vote and do. I am a citizen of the United States and may return one day—why should I be cut out of the process because I am currently away?

“The negotiation lists for CFL teams are a poorly-guarded secret and it’s been known since last year that Montreal owned the rights to Sam”