
No, it couldn't be any one of us, because I, for one, plan to never again attend another NFL game. Seems stadiums these days draw the scum of society like a moth to a flame, where they drink beyond all comprehension and troll for a head to cave in. The NFL could of course do something about this by banning the sale of

For some reason I associate you and your comment with David Duke and now I hate you even more.

As long as they keep choking in the playoffs, it works for me.

What if the massive genetic edge was that they were 5 inches taller?

i would have a lovely small wedding at my mom's house in maine and then roll around on all the money left over while cackling wildly.

I absolutely agree. My boyfriend and I do this, almost after every one of our sexy times. But we're both pretty open about what we like and don't like with each other when it comes to all that. I was quiet a lot of times with my exes because I didn't want to hurry their feelings. I'm glad I got over that shit.

I've said this, and have been told this. In general, I think the best sex comes from being able to talk about sex after you've had it with people who are open enough to talk about what works and doesn't. Doing the play-by-play, as it were, and being able for both people to talk about what worked and what didn't makes

Just tell him, "It's not porn, it's HBO."

As the resident Paul Bunyan in many of my relationships, please don't do that. It's pretty condescending and infantilizing. I'm on to people who do it, and it makes me feel manipulated, and honestly, rather angry.

Hunter Pence leaves his kid in the stands for open-ended playdates, making it difficult for you to take your kids home and put them to bed.

I TOLD YOU, CASHMERE CAN'T GO THROUGH THE SUN. Leave my cardigans or of your loads.

That's the same as hanging your laundry out back to dry, right?

I can't get rid of the things myself. I use them as trashbag liners for the bathrooms in my house.

But it's still fun to see whether saber websites or Vegas odds were more accurate

I'd be cool with an honest "Ah shit, we're a bunch of old out-of-touch Christians who just had no idea, we'll rescind the fine, apologize for the penalty, and make a small donation to whatever his charity is." Because I truly believe it was an honest (stupid) mistake. But since the NFL can never, ever, ever admit when

Diamondbacks Fire Grit Lord Kirk Gibson; Next Manager Must Restore Hominy

Let him stay. He's the only thing on the screen that makes any goddamn sense.

"It's my raccoon pouch"(≧∇≦)

"Hey! What do you know? Turns out we've had giant gophers in the backyard that taste just like jamón ibérico!" - some guy in Belarus.