
I don’t understand why you’re so pressed. The Kara in King’s Woman of Tomorrow run is supremely fucked up, and that fucked up background contributes greatly to her capacity for empathy. These notions are not incompatible.

When I think about “Saving money by shaving Medusa’s head”:

Can someone please edit this article? The implication is that she says this in response to Star Wars, recently, but it’s actually from 2015, and is about her making documentaries about the abuse and mistreatment of women in Pakistan, and how by having uncomfortable conversations, she is helping people actually see and

The BBC commented on it. It’s not like io9 created the story.

They Full well knew what they were doing.

The even point it out in the episode its been 15 years since Donna had her problem. Ok fine but Donna had to pull herself together find a man get married and have a child . That would take at least a year or two.

Melissa Barrera was definitely fired because of that. Jenna Ortega supposedly had scheduling conflicts with Wednesday, but the timing was way too on the nose (it was announced the very next morning). And the director, whose immediate response to Barrera’s firing was to publicly distance himself from that decision,

Honestly, it feels like this production had deep problems and that the absolutely unjustified firing of the lead actress was just the final crack in the wall needed to make it all topple down.

It’s actually impressive how quickly the producers have managed to revive Scream as an ongoing concern, turn out two surprisingly good movies, both of them financial successes, and then burn the whole thing to the ground in support of the indiscriminate slaughter of innocents.

Just picked up Tucker Carlson’s latest, “The Bill of Rights Is For Gay Losers.”

Yeah, she’s done.

Congrats to Corrain on her new career ghostwriting books for conservative politicians that are bulk-purchased by super-PACs.

Except that this one didn’t have bad writing. It was a good, fun, funny movie.

the Fourteenth Doctor enters the scene with all the confidence of a Time Lord who has been around for a while, there’s no post-regenerative trauma to unpack here

Watching “The Star Beast,” I was reminded of something I wrote in a comment on this site, many years ago:

I loved it. All of it. Even the nonsensical parts because it’s Dr Who and who gives a damn. And watching Tennant RUN through that gigantic Tardis set with such joy was just amazing. It was like someone said, “We need to show the audience this isn’t all CGI and David said ‘Watch me laugh and run...’”  

Hooo is this one going to piss off all the (Far) right people.

Overall a fun episode. A little twee, sure, but aren’t they always? 

It is such an old and stale joke.

I like Maron’s view on these jokes, especially Rife's apology with the special needs helmet - it’s so fucking hack. We’re kind of doing a disservice to the shittiness of the jokes by talking about whether or not they’re “offensive.” They’re just examples of middle of the road hack comedy. That should be the story, and

Yeah, offensive jokes aside, really none of this guy’s material is funny. I watched a few of his tiktoks, and literally none of them were funny.