
That is the thing, its all hypothetical “think of the women” bullshit with the terfs. They find one case where someone , who may or may not actual be trans, does something wrong and then they say “Look, this is all trans people everywhere!!!!”. They also cherry pick data worse then climate change deniers.  

Yes I do often hear of hate crimes against transphobes, where Transwomen beat little old ladies with brickbats while saying “CALL ME A WOMAN!”

She’s determined to finally cross the line where she’s better known for this bullshit than as a writer.

She’s a bigot. When your bigotry alienates people who used to respect you, the only people left are other bigots. The bigotry of the other bigots reinforces and intensifies your bigotry. That’s basically how racist Facebook uncles are born.

Or she is just an asshole. Hard to separate out all that 

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

I used to think she was just misinformed but the obsessiveness and paranoia points to her having major mental health problems now.

Just imagine how fucked WB’s finances are that they’re still hanging onto doing business with her.

CBS also made Limitless, which was a glorious one-season wonder of an sf procedural. 

I’ve never found any CBS crime show to be particularly interesting

probably one of the best act 2s in a season. 


In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

Yoda says “Wars not make one great” but he DOESNT say dont fight them.

Lol, “Campbell Canon.” There’s very little evidence that Lucas had read Campbell or relied on The Hero With A Thousand Faces when he was writing the first Star Wars.

Don’t engage this guy. He’s more articulate than the wads shouting “WOKE!” downstream but his whole schtick is to accuse you of being stupid or dishonest if you disagree with him. His one rhetorical flourish is to argue over the meaning of specific words and use that as the basis for his entire argument.

Joseph Campbell was a bigoted fraud and the quicker pop culture abandons the monomyth the better.

You know how I can tell you are not into comics?

I’m honestly hoping this is the premise. After Prey, I just want a series of Predator movies where a Yautja is sent to earth to battle famous warriors from history. Predator vs Cowboys, Predator vs Samurai, Predator vs Knights of the Round Table, etc.

With a name like “Badlands”, I’d assume it’s a Predator Western? All the gunslingers get killed off and the “Farmer’s Daughter” takes it out.