Allison Swift

In July 2001 I was flying standby and a first class seat became available. I was 22 and was feted by my aisle partner, an adorable 60something gentleman who flew first class all the time and was keen to show me the ropes. He made sure I tried all the perks. The Waldorf chicken salad was divine.

Pizza will still be there after the bod slips away.

She’ll probably get mastitis from going so long without a pump, too. It's like superflu. I got it 5 times over 8 months. Breastfeeding is heroic!

Exactly. I read all the way through because reasons, but the whole time I’m wondering why he didn’t get his ass on a bus and go home.

I ordered a bare bones kit off eBay to experiment with Linux around 2008. A bit late to the party, I know. That’s pretty much all I know: I booted the system and ran my favorite MMPRPG, feeling pretty pleased with myself, when flames started shooting out of the fan.