two turntables and a microphone

If you don't want to go to a wedding, don't go. I'm sure the bride and groom would rather have you not go than show up and have a bad time.

I just wanted to let you know that this sounds fabulous and I think it is a great idea. I remember a friend having a casual wedding college in a state park that was just a big party/reception. Food was buffet style off of picnic tables and the afternoon consisted of drunken hugs while yelling "I love you guys sooo

Chill out. If some friends asked you to bring a dish for a party and announced that they were happily in love and got hitched, would you be so grumpy about it? Wouldn't you be happy for your friends?

That's usually not how potlucks work.

I think you are reading too much into her comment. Also, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she knows her friends.

I like it!

Expecting someone to pay 600$ for a suit for a wedding is beyond ridiculous.

I'm amazed at the way some parents just throw money at their kids. I grew up very privileged (not 1%, but upper middle class) and my parents always struck a nice balance (I think) between monetarily supporting and not spoiling me. They paid for my tuition and rent in college, but I had to work for "fun" money (going

Especially when applying to a job while you are in college. I grew up privileged, but I still worked over summers for money to go out with friends to the movies and stuff. I worked at a local food joint. Where else was I going to get a job as a 15/16 years old? It was the only work experience I had once I had gone to

Harvard would technically be under the Cambridge jurisdiction, but that doesn't stop the city police from just turning investigations over to the campus police.

AMAZING! Thank you.

WHAT A DICK. Seriously? They should make you get the flu shot if you work with the elderly or young children because it can kill them.

YES! I had a sketch experience when I took the Greyhound up to LA once to visit some old friends. After that, I would always try to find older ladies to sit next to.

That woman who stayed as a witness is a hero.

But you can't bring up any problem facing women without giving equal time to men! otherwise it hurts their feelings! WAAAAAMBULANCE.

The chicken pox does not protect against shingles. In fact, it greatly increases your chance of getting it because it is the exact same virus that infected your body when you had the chicken pox, and has been laying dormant in your nerve ganglion in your peripheral nervous system. You see, when the symptoms of chicken

I just can't. I hate people like this more than I hate celebrities who go believe in vaccine conspiracies. You have been trained in a profession that should have taught you critical thinking. She should be ashamed of herself.

That was nice of her.


Yes, obviously you are the only one. Pat yourself on the back.