two turntables and a microphone

Fucking BINGO.

Jesus H. Christ. You are doing your future offspring a huge favor by not letting him/her near that ass wipe.

I would be so frightened if I heard my coworkers say those things. I know it's really common thinking. It's still scary as shit.

This. Exactly.

No, they wouldn't. They already have a system where some trans people are accepted. What is so wrong with expanding that system to include other trans people?


I think I get what you are saying. I'm in scientific research, and I've gotten shit for being a woman and wearing makeup (from some people). Apparently looking feminine or "sexual" means you're not brainy enough to be a scientist. Eat me. Anyways, some qualities of my (very few) female superiors are commonly seen as

No, that would be a gross over exaggeration of what I said. I was actually just trying to bring up a thought point. It would be interesting if Smith (and other colleges as well as our society as a whole) could understand that many people fall in between male and female. I'm not saying that Smith has to allow everyone

I feel a large problem here lies with the state of CT and how they view gender identity. Sexual confirmation surgery is a big commitment, it seems unnecessary to demand someone to go through hormone treatments and surgery to identify as a different gender.

I'm actually really glad to hear that. I grew up in southern California and men who wanted to be cheerleaders where "fags" (I hate typing that word). A straight guy would never be able to get respect from his macho peers if he wanted to be a cheerleader.

Am I the only one sad about Family Matters losing!? TGIF was THE BEST.

FACT indeed.

I actually really like these ones too. This is off-topic, but there is something about cartoons that can turn a situation really emotional and hyper relatable to many different people. Example: Wall-E or Up.


Word. Anyone who compares a household budget with the federal budget is an idiot who doesn't understand economics.

I really wish there was a clothing equivalent to "certified fair trade" for food products. I've seen labels for fair trade on some clothing, but I wish it was more prevalent. I would love to see a list of clothing made in the USA or a label on clothing made in factories that have a seal of approval from a human

I don't understand how people like this sleep at night. I don't care that his job and success has to do with the fact that he's a disgusting douche. How can you say that to another human being? I usually get angry, but this broke me down.

Absolutely not. I think the solution would be to allow men to be cheerleaders and perhaps have a female football team. And by "allow", I mean without ridicule. Granted, this is not going to be realistic in most current circumstances, but change always happens gradually.


I agree in a general trend of overt fear. I love novels about dystopian futures, everything from fahrenheit 451 to The Hunger Games. I love all the vampires as well. I've read Dracula more times than I can count and The Passage was THE BOMB.