All I Hear Is Static

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

Can we file this one away with the Great Pubic Hair Debate? As in, let's stop talking about it. I know men don't understand my turquoise eyeliner, OK? I've known ever since that survey in Seventeen magazine nearly two decades ago that told me that guys don't "understand" purple nail polish. I'm wearing purple nail

I try to be nice like Charlotte, but I'm more of a Vendetta.

I'll bet she doesn't do her influential carpentry work (building better tables) in that garb.

Dead-eyed, wearing a bathing suit, and Photoshopped: Your visual representation of influence.
This is progress for the American woman?

Patron: "Can I see your dessert menu, please?"

I don't know why, but the thing that bothered me the most about this post is that he (or his staff) is still saying things are money. What is this? 1997?

No one says "ain't nothing but a chicken wing," Guy. No one. That doesn't even rhyme. It's "ain't no thing but a chicken wing." Christ, I'm whiter than a mayonnaise truck accident at the RNC, and even I know that. It shouldn't be physically possible for me to be more disappointed in you as a human being than I already


Should have worn the Lizzie Caplan suit from Mean Girls

Maybe she should have gone with a real tuxedo. There is fighting the status quo and then there is just being dressed inappropriately.

Congrats - I'm officially off McDonald's forever.

Hey, whatever happens between consenting meat-like products is their business.

Whenever a large party would leave (thus opening up one of the three 12-person tables we had available), and we had a wait for large parties, one of the former managers at the last restaurant I worked at would get a group of servers together and say, "Let's go gang bang that table," meaning "let's get it cleaned up

I remember someone explaining to me when I was quite young that dogs and cats don't go to heaven; it's only for people. That was the exact moment when I decided organized religion is not for me. Anyone with any brains can see that dogs are better people than people will ever be.

I was never particularly attached to HIMYM (it wasn't until the fanfare around the finale that I was able to remember what the acronym even meant), but it's unfortunate that the practice of using a dead woman as a speed bump for a male one's development is apparently no longer exclusive to drama.

pure ignorance about lesbianism and women in general


I feel like boy-Beckham has crossed the line from smoldering to angry and a little confused.

The athletes will get their medals, accolades and sponsorship if we don't watch. What will happen though is that the networks that pay the IOC for the rights to show the games won't end up with as many eyeballs, advertisers will be pissed.