Paul Giamatti should pay his fans (or is that fan?) to pose with him.
Paul Giamatti should pay his fans (or is that fan?) to pose with him.
@A Small Turnip: Thank you!
@la_peagoise: I find my choices at the mall to be limited...Good for you if it's yer cuppa tea. I'll take shipping any day over zero parking and standing in line at the honkin' mall.
@swashbuckling: Did you view the clip?
@la_peagoise: Check out for starters.
@LLisCool: Magazines are lousy with celeb perfume ads; hence the trash reference.
@daisyhalfwit: No, I only take a whiff from the advertisement strips, and they all give me a pain in the gulliver.
These celebs are absolute dumb dumbs...and the people who buy these stinky mall perfumes deserve to smell like the magazines I throw in the trash.
@tinfoilhattie: Thanks, luv.
@clickokaynow: There is no logic or proof to her point, so I asked if she has some vested interest in this topic.
@SarsDoesn'tSave: What is your angle on this issue anyway? Seriously. Your opposition on this issue makes zero sense to me.
This is such a stupid, low, overweight fucking country. Michelle Obama should place a call to Jamie Oliver and both could steamroll over the L.A. Unified School District.
@SarsDoesn'tSave: I wholeheartedly disagree with you.
@annebellissima: Bullshit. You are exactly wrong on this count. Research the man and his ongoing work.
Adam Sandler should stop making films. Now. Why? It will keep his SNL buddies David Spade and the very untalented Rob Schneider off the silver screen forever.
@hotpinklovesofa: No, let's please not lend any credence to that load of gossip rubbish.
Oh, c'mon, it wasn't that bad. Actually, I think she performing for the camera...making it more exciting that it really was...Poor thing.
@GoZombieGo: Bloody brilliant!
Ricky Gervais certainly has a brass pair on him...He turns the Golden Globes into his own personal roast on all the show biz phony bullshit.
I would love to know who Michelle Pfeiffer and her daughter Claudia were looking at...both seem veddy displeased w/ this person! Funny.