
@Alohamaid: I see Jolie as Kate O'Mara (Caress) more than the sweet faced Krystle Carrington.

Aaron Sorkin is high.

Lovely to hear the legendary Robert DeNiro speak of his long career, until the camera pans to Angelina Jolie putting on her lipstick. Honey, try to pay attention for just one second, eh? Fake it, if ya have to...Good God.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is real beauty. Spill the wine, dig that girl.

@rd2uk: Well, I heard that when "The Tourist" played on airplanes, people were still walking out.

Everyone knows that, however much fun the Golden Globes are to watch, it is pretty much a joke otherwise.

To paraphrase Bill Murray in 1982's "Tootsie": That is one nutty talent show.

@YoungBayardRustin: I was addressing the character Setha in the film Beloved (based on the book) and the drastic measures she takes to prevent her child from slavery.

@gingersnap555: If she wants her cut, then perhaps she should let her father regain his footing in society and take advantage of this huge opportunity that has come his way.

Makes perfect sense to me, as Palin never speaks in words anyway.

@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: Yes, I'm aware of the book, and I still don't buy that a woman would slit her own baby's throat to slave it from slavery.

@This Lady is Brutal: Are you aware that she is giving interviews left and right to anyone with a mic?

@McMike: This woman is giving interviews to anyone with a mic, so it's all very suspect.

@This Lady is Brutal: Not at all, but I watched this clip twice, and I would not file this under "legitimate emotion."

@MojiMoji: Nah, I didn't think you were attacking at all.