More jobs for “Real Americans™!”
More jobs for “Real Americans™!”
How will ANY team win today with these distractions. Could set a record for ties today.
So Leshon McCoy was the notable player to kneel for the Bills. Malcolm Jenkins was a notable player to kneel for Philly. Interesting to note there were no notable Jets, but that has nothing to do with the protests.
Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.
Trump pulled eighteen percent of the vote in NYC. I think there might be a reason why the people who know him best fucking loathe him.
You paid for the ticket(s), you paid for the PDL (s), you paid for the parking. But, if you see anyone not stand full erect for the flag you leave teh stadium.
You’d hope/think.
I’d star you a hundred times at least if I could
Sometimes the simplest comments are the best ones.
Look, North Korea probably isn’t/can’t/won’t hit us with a nuke, but please, guy, for the love of fuck, have some goddam priorities. Alabama’s pro team doesn’t even play in the NFL ffs.
If this were a just world every NFL player would kneel for the anthem after hearing that.
Smooth move. Parody yourself, and leave SNL nothing to work with this fall.
Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.
“The only thing you could do better is if you see it, even if it’s just one player, leave the stadium. I guarantee things will stop. Things will stop. Just pick up and leave. Pick up and leave.”
He is such a fucking embarrassment.
Dude. He acts like a redneck country boy. He’s from fucking Romeo, a town north of Detroit and his dad owned a car dealerships. He was born into wealth.
Sure much of Detroit itself is in a similar state to Highland Park, but the Red Wings and Pistons have a brand new, state of the art, arena to play in. It even has a restaurant owned by KID ROCK!!!!!
The issue with both holding and offsides is that all of the borderline calls we see are not what the rules are designed to prevent. Offsides for example is basically to prevent cherry picking. If the rule didn’t exist no one would care if someone is half a step ahead of the blue line (or last defender in soccer). But…
Re: hungover jobs, I teach violin lessons on Saturdays. I start around 9:30, and have taught hungover no more than three (3) times in four years, because listening to children saw away on a violin with a pounding headache and violent nausea is not something I care to repeat ever again.