Backgammon for free: the secondary roadkill you’ve become after being hit by a bus
Backgammon for money: top-3
Backgammon for free: the secondary roadkill you’ve become after being hit by a bus
Backgammon for money: top-3
the chess board symbolizes obviousness.
*Sound Engineer who Didn’t bleep that speaking with HR*
14, white water rafting, the entire raft got dumped in a Class 4 series. I wound up bouncing off the bottom of the river, which is how I knew up from down, because it looked like the inside of a rootbeer float. Fortunately I got spit out quickly, because getting hydraulically stuck to the bottom of a riverbed is an…
1) how much is mike francesa loving this?
“People with money wouldn’t steal more money” is a bad take. We don’t know any of the evidence and details, so I’m not going to disagree with your point that he might be innocent. But arguing that he wouldn’t commit fraud because he wouldn’t jeopardize his position is silly.
Oh, please. Virtually everything that Deadspin publishes has already been on other sites, including this story.
Carton gets arrested but this alleged “Ticket Master” is still allowed to roam free?! smdh
Or be president.
He should have done something less serious, like beaten the shit out of his partner or pulled a gun out on someone trying to buy school supplies at Walmart.
I would have assigned buddy 4 the balcony (not the bedroom, just the balcony) until he learned to SELL some drugs to help contribute to the rent.
What is this “leftover bacon” of which you speak? (Asking for a fat friend)
Being an animal would also suck because you have to watch humans use their hands to do all the cool shit you can’t do.
Dry and safe Houstonian here. If you want donate, consider the Houston Food Bank (Charity Navigator Rating of 100) or the Houston SPCA (96+ Rating).
Haha yeah I’ll pass on that. Email of the Week should’ve let his outfielder friend look like a moron at SS
I really don’t understand all the uproar over this. It’s not like he’s done something truly reprehensible, like sit or kneel when other people are standing.
Yeah, but how good would you be if you had to play 3rd base with chronic diarrhea?
Tillman wanted to meet Noam Chomsky. That’s not the kind of person that would have hot antiKaep takes.
First apartment after college me and some buddies split a townhouse with 3 bedrooms.
It is clearly a Chevy...