Most days women had to work outside the home, the SAMH perpetrated myth is only for a certain class, caste and color of people.
Most days women had to work outside the home, the SAMH perpetrated myth is only for a certain class, caste and color of people.
You have my vote and tell me where to send campaign contributions!
My MIL used to sort of be a Karen, then she went to college for her MSW and what she learned in school and her experiences working with children in poverty de-Karened her.
Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:
You think it pisses people off to know you spent $55 dollars for something worth 2 bucks and that warns them you’re trash?
“Can you imagine 25 years of marriage, to one person, even Barack Obama? Or 25 years of anything?”
Oh, children. You don’t imagine the time. You imagine the things you’d like to do with your time. And then you try to do them.
(Just celebrated 26 years of marriage with Mr. UrbanAchiever and no, we didn’t imagine it. We…
Good luck trying to fit an armchair in the freezer
A good way to stop cats from clawing furniture is to store them in the freezer.
Revolutions aren’t generally polite.
I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE!
Also a proud and out atheist, but Jesus the Nazarene was a pretty cool guy all things considered. He called out the hypocrisy on all sides, hung out with sex workers and other low status (ie fun) people, preached forgiveness and acceptance, non violence, gender equality, and knew how to throw a sweet dinner party in a…
Note the price of the “Talking Machine”: $69.95. In 1902 that was like $2,000 today. That’s the price of a pretty nice A/V setup with a big flat-screen, an amp and some speakers. Back then it got you a very tinny voice on a 2 minute cylinder that you could play maybe 100 times before it wore out. Amazing what 116…
I always say this is part of the reason Uber got so big. For years, blacks, men especially, have had hard times flagging down taxis. They either blatantly pass you buy or act like they don’t want to drive to your neighborhood. And Uber comes along, the transaction is nearly seamless, so for me personally, I’ve never…
I’m very much an agnostic; I have no idea what will come after death. I’ll say this much though: unless you’ve died and experienced nothingness you should probably tone down your arrogance. You have no more knowledge of what comes after this life than any of the rest of us.
I just read about this earlier today on The Washington Post. Didn’t know about this aspect of Sears and kind of makes their filing for bankruptcy a bit more somber. Just as sad though, is that it quickly reminded me of the times of trying to educate some ppl who seem to have the mindset that blacks suddenly became…
Seriously! I don’t think that guy ever watched the show.
I am so tired of White People feeling “uncomfortable.”
We should take pithy on her, she has no fashion sensitivity!
That’s going to pith off a lot of people.
I’m late to the show but a friend showed me this a few weeks ago: