
I can’t imagine how scary your first experience was, and how you are feeling now. But I can tell you, you CAN do this! You are going to go to the hospitals, you are going to get excellent care and you are gonna make it through. Stay as positive as you can and ONLY focus on what life will be like afterwards, with your

Fantastic ideas! I have a similar pack in our nappy bag for when we visit restaurants or are unexpectedly delayed somewhere. We have a note pad and some fun crayons, I’ve also put stickers in mine, but have found that the puffy stickers (rather than flat papery ones) can be stuck on almost any surface and easily

Fantastic ideas! I have a similar pack in our nappy bag for when we visit restaurants or are unexpectedly delayed

I totally planned on a natural birth with my first, but that ended with an emergency c-section. After weighing the pro’s and cons I made plans for a vbac for my second but in the end also went with a c-section. After all of that I realised neither is better, or safer, or less painful for the woman. Both have their

I think it is fair to say that any app that asks you to track personal info about yourself, be it your menstralcycle, your weight loss journey, what food you consume, how many calories you eat per week etc. are collecting data on you. My personal take on all that is I’m a pretty bad over-sharer anyway, so knowingly

I’m so shocked I had to comment here. SHOCKED!

Ordinary exercise won’t fix this, a combination of posture (leftover from carrying a baby) and weaker core muscles are to blame. Pilates worked wonders for me, but it did take time. You need to target the tiny core muscles (they form a girdle-like structure around your waist) we take for granted and not the larger ab

I live in a literal 3rd world country and this is unheard of. We have serious issues with access and the quality of public healthcare especially for rural people, but we just don’t have stories like this. It’s shocking.