I really wish we could stop judging people by what they do with their genitals instead of what they do with their actions. Stepping out on your spouse hurts your family; political corruption hurts the whole world.
Mediocre, Gawker Media.
I really wish we could stop judging people by what they do with their genitals instead of what they do with their actions. Stepping out on your spouse hurts your family; political corruption hurts the whole world.
Mediocre, Gawker Media.
Let’s not forget the important roles heart disease and the diabeetus play in his shrinking listenership.
“OK so there’s flowing water on Mars. Yip yip yip yahoo. Hey, you know me, I’m science 101, big time guy, tech advance it, you know it, I’m all in.”
I think the big push is getting serious now because they’re realizing that trick can only work so many times before some brave, smart city says “Okay then, there’s the door”.
The analogy for musicians is drug overdose - blacking out from heroin is the torn ACL of the music world.
Wait a minute, this could be an intriguing parity idea - what if we only gave guns to *bad* QBs? Of course it’d probably just result in Eli Manning shooting his own foot off, but at this point that’s a risk I’m willing to take.
These people think rights only belong to white male Christians & everyone else is dead to rights. #fixed
As both an avowed pothead and a someone with rage issues...no.
Wow. Just wow. You can’t even say the word “vagina” because you think it’s pornographic? BITCH, YOU HAVE A VAGINA. 50% OF THE PLANET HAS A VAGINA. GROW THE FUCK UP.
Someone please explain the thing with white people dressing in all white. Seriously, I need it explained.
I’m admittedly no theologian, but I really don’t think you have to worry about Scientologist psychiatrists.
Stock-ish photos furnished by...Mike Mozart? The creepy toy-review video guy who is banned from my kids’ YouTube viewing? Christ, it’s like his Windowless Toy Van of Fun is following me.
A decade or so back the porn industry was clearly so proud of its “Pirates” porn sorta-parody (Sets! Costumes! Holy shit, CGI!) that they even released a version with all the sex cut out. Bless their hearts.
Suddenly I have a much greater appreciation for attending tennis matches!
All the Stars of Reason to you.
Oh please oh please tell me they saved the commericals!
Two Rebel hearts, seven Rebel teeth.
Mobile was a thing before 2007?
Perhaps this is just my East Coast Librul Elitist (tm) bias talking, but I’m admittedly somewhat surprised that the Religious Right has people smart enough to execute a site attack. Ugh, the downside of the democratization of technology.