
Waluiji” --- uh.... who?

What worthwhile commentary... Although it doesn’t surprise me that the solution is to call me an idiot. 

You are a good corporate servant. I hope they take your ability to speak away too.

He isn’t promoting terrorism you idiot! Should I call the cops and say you are raping children you have locked in your basement?

Har har, let’s all unite for corporate censorship of speech and subversion of our individual sovereignty!” — If you support this shit your are fucking retarded. No two ways about it.

Sure the article says he killed someone a lot, but it doesn’t bother restating the findings on how that is a truthful/factual analysis.  This is the fucking Root, chances are it is full of shit.

If CNN et al. had a real and honest reputation, they’d have no problem defending against this nonsense. Instead they are corrupt news from the desks of corporate oligarchs who funnel memos to their paid actors, like Lemon, who compete for ratings to generate more ad revenue.  It is all a show. Fuck Don Lemon and all

Shit... I was calling the “AToMs” for years! And the Sia is one corrupt institution!

Wrong. Wrong still, Jif is peanut butter.  It is GIF as in “Gif”t.

And people say Trump is the end of the world.

I bet Molly couldn’t locate the Middle East on a world map.  Seriously, how fucking disgusting do you have to be to ignore the death of millions just to make up a false comparison? Go back to school moron. The world doesn’t need your ignorant outbursts.

Only, there WAS a reason.

I doubt this article could be any more of a personal bias screed if it tried. My guess is that Michael has no desire for conditions for blacks or anyone to get better. He feeds off of promoting disharmony and violence towards fellow man, an utter clown. Not only is this story going to help anyone’s cause, this

Because these ignorant fools believe you can’t be racist towards white people as a demographic. Their heads are in their ass and they’re running out of air, which explains the frantic hyperbole.

Seriously? A quick glance at the dates proves this wasn’t all about Breaking Bad. Fucking Christ... try not to be such a moron.

Some people paid full price for a piece of shit release two years ago that now everyone says “OMGERRD IT IS SO GOOD!”.  A lot of people aren’t going to go back to something two years old that ripped them off, for a variety of reasons.  Proclaiming that they have no excuse now is invalid when I just paid $10 for this

The mouth matches fine. What are you talking about. I think everyone is being thrown off by the lack of lips, therefore less expression.

The 90s Carnage toy literally had a big axe arm attachment.

I can’t wait to watch Venom fight generic evil CEO Venom at the end.  How original!

Why the fuck is the Witness on here?