
Ooh ooh, he wanna be just like you!

I just don't know what to think anymore. I mean, Toxic Avenger was goofy and a kinda-statement, but this? It's like a duck continually shitting…where have I seen that before?

No, I can dig it. Rather than use a clock as a timer for rhythm change, arbitrary chord up-or-down, or whatever, treat it as a, well, clock, We have only so much time to rock out what we need…I mean, when I was younger, we would put together a simple bass-and-beat and freeform on all sorts of things. Was it fun? Hell

I am so sorry. If there was ever a clothing version of, say, an MRA, that was it. I feel bad for exposing you to this. It's like I showed you 'Martyrs' or something! Humans, I swear…

Tree-fiddy for earbuds? I'll just go the show live for that much!

You can't afford NOT to have a home! Call or click today!

Bitter sexist stereotype of a code puncher is bitter and sexist? Who knew? There seems to be some BS libertarian/Rand streak through techland as a rule, regardless of company. It was like that when I worked at Amazon. Oh, and Utilikilts. Fucking Utilikilts.

Woozy Rhythm is my new blues singer name!

Screw it. Get both Julie Browns and go full wubba-wubba-wubba. I am old.

FTA: I"v'e seen more rock shows than most people, and I’ve never seen one where the relationship of the crowd to the performer was anything like a political rally in the sense that they were on the verge of being robots who could be directed to do some terrible thing by the big bad rock star on stage. "


So, I'm back in school and there are always a few guys that look like they're in their mid-50s even if they're 18. Ted Cruz, this guy (Jesus that'r a rough 31!), all destined to be middle-management of small town councils, gatekeepers and mouthpieces for people who are more powerful but just as shitty…

Cripes. Didn't we already have Jersey Shore, Southern Drinking, Duck Fugglers, Honey Foo-Foo, Shark Beak, Dancing with the Moms, and Lil' Fuckers? This is so far beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel (online daytime = FREE TIME!) that if Mooch looks up, far, far up in the sky, he can see Corey Feldmans Angels.

Dammit. The same thing happened with oxtails and hanger steak!

That Point Never song with Iggy Pop terrifies me. Please don't die Jim -we need you! He has mentioned retiring - if this is his swan song it will fit but JEEZ. After so much loss in 2016 up to now, from music to politics…when he goes it's gonna break my fucking heart…

Not if he thinks that Audrey did indeed spend an afteroon on the plane of (Billy Zane) John Justice, or whatever his name was…oh snap - and wasn't HE going to South America too? Nah, couldn't be…

Ha! I had to look that up - thanks for the info!

At least two new instances of introducing several new characters? And by name and/or mystery situation? Even if the show only kinda "ties up" a few ends to the spider web, it's still a LOT to put in over halfway through. Fargo barely got away with it introducing the FBI guys who, while hilarious, were pretty much

Have you seen The Straight Story?

Did I miss something? Is there a lab/dojo/toilet where these creatures are being actively bred? Did someone think "you know how can I make my kids more like the assholes in every 80s movie"? Just LOOK at these garbage people! I mean, Priebus was an inhumane, regrettable decision on his parents part, but the Mooch?